Employee Grievance Refers to the formal complaint of dissatisfaction of an employees with what he expects from the company and its management
Grievance Procedure in a Unionised Company
Causes of Grievance
Organizational Change
Employee Relations
Violation of law
Violation of contract relating to collective agreement
Perceived unfair treatment
Poor Work Environment
Grievance Procedure in a Non-Unionised Company
✏Step 3 : The aggrieved employee may refer the grievane in writing to the Human Resources and Top Management
✏Step 3 : Union headquarters and HR Management and Top Management will try to settle grievances
✏Step 4 : Upon failure, grievance case will be sent to Ministry of Manpower for conciliation and mediation
✏Step 2 : Union may file a written grievance to the Department Manager and a Union Representative
✏Step 5 : Case will be referred to the Industrial Arbitration Court for court hearing (decision will be final
✏Step 1 : Employee's grievance is presented to the grievants' immediate Supervisor and a Union Representative / Branch
✏Step 4 : Grievances referred to Ministry of Manpower for conciliation
✏Step 2 : Grievances are submitted in writing to the Department Manager
✏Step 5 : Grievance case will then be submitted to high Court.
✏Step 1 : Grievances report will be submitted to the Immediate Supervisor