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moderate developed. i learned that I'm not so great with things that are verbal, i cant do great speeches or essay but I can remember things easily and etc.

I'm inlove with nature , I think its so beautiful , everything has their own little life and they are al made in a unique way . trees are the key of humans because without them where would we get our air we breath from?i think this was a good way for me to learn how to use nature in my learning/studying.

hands on learning is the best way for me to learn things.i even pace when I'm studying and move around. I also dance so this mght explain why this was a highly development

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this was the section where I got the highest above all. i love music and it helps me study and express myself.

ever since I was little I always loved science and math , mainly math .I love solve problems , did get a highly developement on this so it encourages me to keep using these skills for my advantages.

This section taught me that I can use my feelings to guide me through things. I can use my self identity to help others.


this part showed me that I need to work on my people skills, I am friendly and I can communicate well but I need to work more on it. i need to see things from other peoples perspective.


on being a visual or spatial I got a moderate development.i draw and apint pictures but I'm not that great at it I cant manipulated images or most of those skills in the textbook.