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NOUNS (Ablative (Abl. of Separation
(ā (ab), ē (ex), dē)
Hominēs incolās…
Abl. of Manner
Verba misera cum veniā audīvistī.
(You heard (my) wretched words with indulence (indulgently)).
(Cum optional when noun in abl. not modified by adj.)
Abl. of Separation
(ā (ab), ē (ex), dē)
Hominēs incolās īnsulae servitūte līberāvērunt.
(The men freed the inhabitants of the island from slavery.)
Pecūniā careō.
(İ lack money.)
Abl. of Place From Which
Ab İtaliā vēnit.
(He came from Italy.)
(No preposition with towns, cities, small islands, domus, rūs)
Abl. of Respect (Specification)
(W/O preposition)
Haec fēmina speciē pulchra est.
(This woman is beautiful in (respect to) appearance.)
Abl. of Degree of Difference
(W/O preposition)
(Mostly comp.; less frequent super.)
Nunc multō fēlīcior est.
(Now he is happier by much; he is much happier now.)
Abl. Absolute
(Untied to main clause)
Coniuge vīsō, fēmina discessit.
(Since she had seen her husband, the woman departed.)
Partitive Gen. (of the Whole)
Fortissimus omnium mīlitum ad mē vēnit.
(The bravest of all the soldiers came to me.)
Gen. + Causā
(for the sake of)
Legendī causā venit.
(He comes for the sake of reading; he comes to read.
Gen. W/ Expressions of Remembering & Forgetting
Dolōris nūper oblītus eram.
(İ had recently forgotten my grief.)
Dat. of Possessor
(w/ forms of sum)
Corōna est rēgīnae.
(A crown is to the queen; the queen has a crown; the crown is the queen's.)
Dat. of Purpose (Service) & Reference
(Double Dat.)
- 1 purpose/ service, 2 relevant person/ thing
Ad urbem salūtī mihi vēnit.
(He came to the city for (the purpose of) a salvation (with reference) to (for) me i.e. He came to the city to save me.)
Dat. + Certain Intransitive Verbs
Tibi persuādeō.
(İ am persuasive (with reference) to you; İ persuade you.
Acc. of Place to Which
Ad Italiam vēnit.
(He came from Italy.)
(No preposition with towns, cities, small islands, domus, rūs)
Acc. of Duration of Time/ Extent of Space
(Answer to "for how long?")
Quīnque annōs miser erat.
(For five years he was unhappy.)
Greek Acc. (Acc. of Respect/ After Verbs in Middle Voice)
Ferrum cingitur.
(He is girded with respect to a sword; he girds on a sword.)
Adverbial Acc.
Maximam partem ille vir sapientissimus est.
(With respect to the greatest part, that man is very wise; for the most part that man is very wise.)
(Place in Which/ Place Where)
(Towns, cities, small islands, domus, rūs)
1st, 2nd Decl.
Loc. S: GS
Loc. P: Abl. P
- identifical to N except in 2nd decl.(-us/ -ius]
Vergilī, scrībe carmen!
(Vergil. write a poem!)
Mī fīlī, venī!
(My son. come!)