VAT: Endothelial dysfunction, Insulin Resistance, hyperglycaemia, Type 2 D, Glucose intolerance, Up Triglycerides, up LDL, down HDL, up Total C, up ApoB, increased inflammation, Prothrombosis + fibrinogen, CHD, Left ventricular hypertrophy, up BP, Renal hyper
VAT: as endocrine gland: increased levels of OESTROGEN + Pro/Anti Inflam: leptin, adiponectin, ghrelin,TNF-a, IL-6 (free rads : NO + SOD O2- = ONOO- Proxy Nitrate = big nasty free RAD!!
Adiponectin >enhances insulin sensitivity, with up VAT, down adiponectin
LEPTIN function: down reg Neuropeptide Y = down hunger, increase energy + appetite, increase thermogenesis.
5-10% WEIGHT LOSS = -30% VAT: Benefits : reduce BP, improve insulin sensitivity, glycaemia, less susceptible to thrombosis, reduce inflammatory markers, lower risk of CVD,