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Closer integration of economies and people of the world…
Closer integration of economies and people of the world through the ease of movement of G&S, capital and labour across borders
Growth of Transnational Corporations
- A corporation that is registered and operates in more than one cty
- Outsourcing: Contracting out of an entire business function, a project, or certain activities to an external provider e.g. engaging an outside IT specialist from SG/US to maintain networks
- Offshoring: Getting the work done in a different cty, to leverage cost advantages e.g. engage IT specialist from US/set up a branch in India to serve local customers
e.g. iPhone SS chain: pdtion stages located in different ctys
- allows company to make use of cheaper resources in diff ctys
- but transport costs may be high; or may be subjected to protectionist measures
Developments in Transportation
Movement of G&S:
- Advancement in aviation and shipping; use of containerisation enables large qty of G to be shipped at low cost
- Aviation tech., e.g. long haul jumbo jets, reduces costs of transportation
- hence trade between distant ctys become econ. viable
Movement of Labour
- Transport improvement also means people can travel more quickly
Developments in ICT
- Info. Comm. Tech = internet, wireless networks, phones
- Increases connectivity of people in fast and cost-effective manner
- Facilitates Internat. trade and investment
- Encourages economic interactions betwn people in diff geog. lcoations
Singapore and Globalisation
- Small and Open economy: benefits outweigh costs
- bc SG scarce in resource; need to be opened to trade and I to generate EG
- SG cannot be insulated from the -ve impacts of G; but appropriate policies can mitigate these impacts
Increased pressure for econ. to stay relevant and attractive
- Globalisation increases pace of industrial devpt in region; SG is facing competition from LDC and DC
- SG needs to move into higher value-added activities in mfg and services to remain attractive to other ctys
- Must remain attractive to MNCs as they become more footloose
Skill gap and widening income gap
- Pace of industrialisation > rate of accumulation of human capital; i.e. Poly/Uni grads
- leads to "Skills Gap", where DD for new skills > SS of workers with these skills
- Hence needs to rely on skilled foreign wkr to bridge the gap
- Tends to widen Y of skilled wkrs relative to that of unskilled wkrs
- Hence a challenge is to create inclusive growth and wealth creation for vulnerables
Vulnerability of Economy
- Openness of SG econ. makes it dif to be shielded from economic shocks in other econs e.g. 9/11 attacks, SARs crisis
- Increased integration of econ.s = more synchronised trade cycles; increasing the impact of these econ. shocks
- Ctys also starting to implement protectionist measures as recessions become more severe and prolonged; must support dom. econ
3 prob.s SG faces
- Anti-globalisation sentiments in EU and USA
- Slowing China econ. as BJ restructures economy
- Oil Prices (SG is a large Xporter of refined oil)