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Express Plus 3 (Work experience –> experiência de trabalho,…
Express Plus 3
8. Drop out of – school/ a competition → to not do something that you were going to do or to stop doing something before you've completely finished. [Desistir]
6. Sign up for – lessons/ a degree/ a course → register, become a member or enrol in the course, for example.
1. Work on – an essay/a project → make to effort to get something. (to spend time trying to improve something, especially a skill. [ Se aperfeiçoar]
2. Work towards – a goal/a solution/qualifying as a teacher → make to effort to get something. (to do things that will help you to achieve a particular thing). [Trabalhar em direção a algo… para conquistar...]
5. Take on – a new job/ a lot of work/ a big responsability → have/ receive/ use or do/ to begin something. ( to accept a responsability)