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Strategic flexibility in open innovation (OSS Business models (Community…
Strategic flexibility in open innovation
Strategic flexibility
Redeploy without friction
Flexible resource pool
Portfolio of strategic options
Fast occuring conditions
Manage uncertain
Identify major changes in external enviroment
Closed x Open Innovation
Exploration of actor's resources
Collaboration and consensus
Freedom - wide utilization -> continuous innovation
Value of better business model
Copyleft thinking
Guided collective innovation
Value of being first
Exploration of market needs
Hierarchical structure + power of decision
Control knowledge -> future revenue
Market orientation
Customer orientation
Customer needs
Satisfty customer interests
Feedback collection
Competitor orientation
Monitoring and responding competitor's actions
Deter market positional erosion
Inter-functional coordination
Improving product design
Improving customer service
Market interdepartmental information
long-term + profitability
OSS Business models
Revenues without license sales
Value proposition includes services
Community becomes a key resource
Creating value through external relations
Different cost structure
General Public License