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What did I study in COMMUNICATION 1? (New words I learned. (shock…
What did I study in COMMUNICATION 1?
teacher's name is Michael Vallance
My name is Ryunosuke Hashimoto. I am in crass I.
My student number is 1017178.
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION to communication
Topic 4
We watched video in TED.
We thought about five important points about communication and technology by Professor Sherry Turkle.
We submitted the five important points to communication and technology forum.
Topic 5
We learned about the Aristotle theory of communication.
We thought about five elements (Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience, and Effect).
We were two test about five elements.
We watched video of computational thinking.
And we thought about five elements of video.
We submitted the five elements.
Next to, we thought about five elements of various situation.
Topic 3
We thought about way of communication.
I use mapping online to created a digital version on my PC.
Next to, we learned about several words that can be used to backchannel in an English language conversation.
I was perplexed that unaccustomed the word.
Next to, we learned about a basic timeline of a selection of communication technologies.
We thought about when oneself did use first communication technology.
I thought about my favorite communication technology.
We thought about popular communication technology will be in 2018.
Topic 6
We wrote news a sentence in English.
We chose news.
We recorded the news as a Podcast.
We looked up many news in internet.
We chose news from textbook.
We made news radio.
We learned way make radio.
Radio added music.
We took ten quiz about grammar check.
Topic 7
We wrote news of 2099 year a sentence in English.
We recorded the news as a Podcast.
We thought news of 2099 year.
News is .....
A sister school of Future University was built in America.
Actor Mr. Terada kokoro died at 88 years old this morning.
The cause of death was a heart attack.
"Pepper 6" malfunctioned, and many people died.
The mysterious scientist announced that he completed the time machine.
Perry was brought with a time machine in Hakodate.
We made radio news of 2099 year.
We evaluated each other radio.
Topic 1
We threw small ball.
We were self-introduction.
Learned to Communicate with Classmates.
Talked to english with 8 people from our class.
We listened to 8 people about name, fact, adjective and future ambition.
Next to, we find a new partner and took communicate.
We announced partner's introduce to classmate.
Topic 2
We looked for at research posters 3F about what communication type is used in FUN research.
We organized it using
We looked for at research posters 3F about what technology is used to communicate.
We translated to a teacher's poster headings to Japanese.
We translated to poster headings of 3F to Japanese.
We summarized about how much communication did we do in one day.
I inputted it to chart using LibreOffice.
Next to, we wrote introduction about oneself in paper.
We submitted it to teacher.
New words I learned.
shock ショックshokku
hesitancy 躊躇chucho
fear 恐れosore
appreciation 感謝kansya
amazement 驚きodoroki
disgust 嫌悪keno
surprise 驚きodoroki
delicious おいしいoishi
ambition 野心yashin
abstract 抽象chusyo
motivation 動機doki
references 参考文献sankobunken
audience 聴衆chosyu
occasion 機会kikai
analyse 分析するbunsekisuru
theory 理論riron
headword 見出し語midashigo
frequency 頻度hindo
thesaurus 類義語辞典ruigigoziten
vocabulary 単語tango
noun 名詞meshi
verb 動詞doshi
adjective 形容詞keiyoshi
synonyms 同意語doigo
meaning 意味imi
pronunciation 発音hatsuon
organize 整理するserisuru
frequently 頻繁hinpan
Topic 10
We reviewed topic 1 ~ 9 of learning.
We got many knowledge.
"Communication 1" was good classwork.
UNIT 2: ORGANIZING communication knowledge
Topic 8
We looked up how many words do oneself know..
We knew to the most frequent 1000 words are used in 80% of English.
We thought about how many words does teacher know.
We thought about how many words do oneself know.
We thought about how many English words are used.
We thought about how many words are there in English.
UNIT 3: Communicating by PRESENTING
Topic 9
In my presentation, I must .....
to make my voice bigger.
to practice pronunciation.
to study a personal computer.
We gave a short presentation more again.
Next to, we were reflection of learning a short presentation.
And we evaluated a short presentation of each oneself..
Second, I gave presentation about my found five words in university.
First, we gave random word a short presentation.
This 'map' is your OPEN MIND thinking.
The map communicates your LEARNING of COMMUNICATION 1.
Look at Moodle - 10 Topics.
Look at your coursebook.
Write everything about Communication 1.
Add pictures.
Target 100 nodes. Yes! 100 nodes.
PRINT A3 or B4 size.