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What did I study in COMMUNICATION 1 ? (words and ability I leaarned (how…
What did I study in COMMUNICATION 1 ?
UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION to communication
Topic 5
Aristotle's model of communication has five elements.
Firstly, I learned the Aristotle theory of communication.
Secondly, we applied five elements on some examples.
in class
in students' presentation
in soccer coach's advice
in a robot speaking
Finally, we watched a movie about COMPUTATIONAL THINKING by Dr. Nakashima.
Topic 4
We watched a movie by Professor Sherry Turkle.
After that, we wrote important points
about communication and technology.
Topic 3
I choosed right reaction along the context.
Thirdly, I checked English word.
Finally, I reebered technologies I have used.
Secondly, I learned verbal communication.
I wrote the way I communicate.
I thought about my own daily interactions.
What counication technology did I use first ?
What is my favorite communication technology ?
Firstly, I made lists of the way of communication.
What communication technology will be popular in 2018?
Topic 6
Firstly, we learned how to use the Podcast.
After that, we make a pair.
Secondly, we choosed 5 news items.
After that, we practiced speaking our news as a gatekeeper theory of communication practice.
Thirdly, we did grammar check.
We received some grammar quizzes.
We checked my English spelling and grammar.
We wrote the correct sentences.
We checked my pronunciation.
Finally, we recorded my speaking using Podcast.
Topic 2
I drew its format.
I wrote all the poster headings in Japanese and English.
I took a photograph of the poster.
I choosed one poster.
After that, we organized information using coggle.
What technology is used to COMMUNICATE ?
Thirdly, we made our communication data.
I input how much communication I can do in one day.
What COMMUNICATION type is used in FUN research?
Finally, I typed an introduction about me and support my writing with my data.
Secondly, we made poster communication heading.
We paid attentions to 2 things.
Firstly, we looked at all the FUN research poster.
Topic 7
Finally, we uploaded to Moodle.
Thirdly, we exported to iTunes and added our picture.
Secondly, we recorded our news as a Podcast in Garageband.
After that, we chose 5 for broadcasting.
Firstly, I created 10 original news items with my pair.
Topic 1
Dr. Michael Vallance was born in Cardiff in Wales.
Dr. Michael Vallance's hobbies are football and motorbikes.
First, Dr. Michael Vallance introduced himself.
Dr. Michael Vallance went to university in Scotland.
Secondly, I communicated with classmates.
We talked with 8 classmates.
I found out 4 elements for each person.
Interesting fact about them
Ambition for the future
One adjective they use to describe themselves
Thirdly, I found a new partner and communication.
finally, I talked to the class about my new friend.
UNIT 3: Communicating by PRESENTING
Topic 9
Secondly, I improved my slides by increasing the number of the slides.
Firstly, I made slides about a word given by a teacher.
As follows, I presented it and evaluated it.
I presented the word with taking a movie.
Finally, I looked up words at FUN.
I evaluated my presentation.
I chose 5 new words in English.
I made 7 slides and presented it.
Topic 10
I made this coggle.
I remembered of learning in this class.
UNIT 2: ORGANIZING communication knowledge
Topic 8
we checked it by using Word Engine and LEXICAL TUTOR.
I checked some questions about English words.
Introduction of communication 1
This class is on Tuesday and Thursday.
On Tuesday, class 1-I and 1-J
Teacher's name is Michael Vallance.
On Thursday, only one class
My name is Ryotaro Hayashi. I am in class1-I. My student number is 1017179.
This class is done in 494.
words and ability I leaarned
how to use the coggle
how to use the Podcast
water outlet
how to present
rain shed
my bad points in my presentation