Herb Roach meeting 1


Examples of places that have deflouridated.




Not being necessary

Being Harmful

Things to ask Mr. Roach about fluoride

If lithium or fluoride is added to the water supply in O'Fallon

Process of getting it on referendum to remove it.

What would be the best tactic to remove fluoride from the water. Can he do it? Does know someone to that can do it? Or is best left up to referendum.

Could we find numbers on this on how much does it cost.

speak at town hall

Can we be involved with wording the referendum


Additional information to find after meeting

Budget info


Educational Meetings


Next Meeting

Update on the water issue



Proven to cause bone decay


children get fluorosis much more often

Studies showing that communities without fluoride have had the same increase in good dental health as those with

people already have fluoride in toothpaste and don't have the risk of drinking it without knowing

fluorosis link to psychological problems

increase allergy sensitivity

stomach pain and indigestion

Links to damaging joints, connective tissue, brain and male reproductive system.

Limeback, Hardy, BSc, Ph.D., DDS. Fluoride Accumulation in Human Teeth and Bones: Is Dose Adjustment Now Required?. Canadian Journal of Public Health, March-April, 1993;84(2):78-81.

Phipps, K.R. and Burt, B.A. Water-Borne Fluoride and Cortical Bone Mass: A Comparison of Two Communities. Journal of Dental Research, June 1990;69(6):1256-1260.

Coffel, Steve. The Great Fluoride Fight., Garbage, May/June 1992;32-37.

Gupta, I.P., et al. Fluoride as a Possible Etiological Factor in Non-Ulcer Dyspepsia. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, 1992;7:355-356.

Navak B, Roy MM, Das B, Pal A, et al. Health effects of groundwater fluoride contamination. Clin Toxicol (Phila). 2009 Apr:47(4):292-5.

Giachini M, Pierleoni F. Fluoride Toxicity. Minerva Stomatol. 2004 Apr;53(4):171-7.

Butler, J.E., et al, Fluoride: An Adjuvant For Mucosal and Systemic Immunity. Immunology Letters, 1990;26:217-220.

Connected to liver issues and low thyroid function such as fatigue, weight gain, cold hands and feet, dry skin, irregular bowel function and brain fog

due to iodine imballancing

Even dentists and members of the American Dental Association are now discussing whether water fluoridation is actually helpful

Coffel, Steve. The Great Fluoride Fight., Garbage, May/June 1992;32-37.

Misc. Aruguments

Any treatment that is added to water to treat the masses should be done with the utmost care. There really exists no medication or supplement that is tolerated by everyone. Aspirin, Tylenol and even a simple B12 vitamin may cause problems with some individuals. When a potential toxicant is added to the water, it will be hard, if not impossible, to track those who are sensitive to the material. If fluoride is helpful to the teeth, it should be applied directly to the teeth. Placing fluoride in the water makes it available to all of the tissues where it really is not wanted, in the rest of bones, the nervous system and the thyroid gland. At least there should be greater research and knowledge of what symptoms to look for with fluoride toxicity in those who are most sensitive. Adding nutrients or drugs to the water supply is a quick way to supply the masses. It also poses the potential to harm many who do not tolerate the given additive. In this case, the best scenario would be to supply fluoride in the safe, targeted manner that does not harm the rest of the body.

due to legal amount of fluoride in water being 4ml and children getting fluorosis at 2ml

Confirmed 9% increase since 1999 in children

Fluoridation Facts: American Dental Association. 2005. p. 29

31.65% of population has confirmed fluorosis primarily caused by water according to CDC

pages 224-236 of the NRC’s report’s “Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA’s Standards.”

it is unethical form of mass-medication, without each individual's consent or knowledge. By putting fluoride in drinking water, the dosage cannot be controlled, since some people — like laborers and people with kidney problems — drink much more water than others. People opposed to fluoridation also argue that since fluoride-rich toothpaste is available, fluoride needn't be added to water.

Caused Brain issues, lower IQs, and inhibited childhood mental development

300 Studies

Fluoridization of water started in the 40s when there were not as many sources of dental flouride available, but now there is in toothpaste and mouthwash and sublaments, and even drinks such as milk and coke.

Not just people in ofallon but also belleville and other places ofallon supplies water to

was enacted in 1940 when Fluoride was not accessible in other sources and there are no studies after 1975 showing that fluoride in water decreases tooth decay due to increase in general access to fluoride according to this study

In British Columbia, a shocking 11% of the entire population drinks fluoridated water, as opposed to 40-70% in other Canadian regions. Despite this, British Columbia has the lowest rate of tooth decay in all of Canada. In addition, the lowest rates of dental caries within the province are found in areas that do not have their water supplies fluoridated.

In 1986-87, the largest study ever on fluoridation and tooth decay was performed. The subjects were 39,000 school children between 5 and 17 living in 84 areas around the country. A third of the places were fluoridated, a third were partially fluoridated, and a third were not. Results indicate no statistically significant differences in dental decay between fluoridated and unfluoridated cities.

if you eat a bowl of cereal with milk and a Coke, you have likely overdosed on fluoride, likely exceeding the American Dental Association’s recommended daily dose by 230%.

The CDC announced in 1999: "fluoride's predominant beneficial effect is obtained via topical application." It is illegal for a doctor or a dentist to force anyone to take a drug or a chemical. It should be illegal for the government as well. Fluoride should not be added to drinking water, which forces everyone to consume it against their will. It affects the brain (lowered IQ), the bones (brittle bones, fractured hips & bone cancer), the thyroid gland, arthritis, etc. The world has learned the truth that fluoridation is ineffective for teeth and dangerous to health, so only 5% of the world and only 3% of Europe fluoridate their drinking water, more in the U.S. than the rest of the world combined. Last year Israel joined most of the world in banning fluoridation.

Yiamouyiannis JA., Water Fluoridation And Tooth Decay: Results From The 1986-1987 National Survey of U.S. Schoolchildren, Fluoride, 1990 Apr, 23:2


City Sharing Business

Conversation format

If mention IL mandate

Then go to reduction oversation

If agree but hopeless

Ask about what we can do

If disagrees

reiterate our convern

We believe others might be concerned as well

3 out 5 places that put it on referendum don't want fluoride

Ask what we can do

Other places are defluoridating

Ask why we are concerned


especially poor people, children, and minorities

Tables showing overdose

CDC says major cause is fluoride in water

Specific numbers on minorities