How to help a struggling student (By xinying)
Process of identification according to our school procudure
Obeserve his or her daily behavior
Performance in assessments
Parents communication
Evaluated by a designed institution
Individualized learning plan
(I would like to use) Teaching accommodations
Giving students extra time to finish the work or tests
Working in a small group
Decide abbreviated content, standards,tests
Adapting instructions such as clear and slow instructions in classroom
Reteach some content and follow-up formative assessment
Be engaged in some activities instead of isolation
Give supportive environment such as clear signs, videos, pictures
Parents involvement
Encourage and persuade parents to be involved in the plan
Create a supportive environment for his child at home
Keep frequent touch in school and follow up the learning progress
Being patient and understandable
Assistive technology(in my class)
Micro-Course Online Video
Electronic devices such as Ipad
Allowing answers to be given orally or dictated
Giving copies of teacher’s lecture notes
Adapted materials—such as books on tape, large print, or highlighted notes
Supports, Modifications, and Accommodations for Students. (Feb 8, 2017) Retrieved July 3, 2017 from