automatic bookshelf : the bookshelf which coordinates many books automatically
the gap : difficulty of coordinate many books
how to fill the gap : make "automatic bookshelf"
how to work : AI groups many books by category, and machines arrange books in the category
how to make money : sell it to the establishments which have so many books
it is burdensome to arrange books in certain order in bookshelf
it is hard to manage many books by oneself
it is difficult to find one book from so many books in bookshelf
it finds the books which we want to read automatically
it brings together books automatically
it arranges books in certain order automatically
Second : according to AI, machines convey books and arrange them in certain order
Third : when you want to read certain books, AI finds them, and machines convey them to you
First : AI cognizes the appearance of books, and judging from these information, AI groups them by category
book stores
get tired
more books you have, more diificult you do so
spend much time
need big bookshelf
spend much time
get tired
in short time
not only one book but also many
each category
manage them with machines
AI checks books against information on the web
all you have to is put books into the box
convey them with elevater and belt conveyor
arrange them in the order of number, category, and so on
AI find the place where related books are
input information of books
according to these information, AI find them
according to AI's judgement, machines convey them to you
have many clinical records
decrease employment cost
benetifical for customer
have many books
decrease employment cost
benefitical for customer
have many books
have many books
cognizes it with camera
what is the problem
simultaneous usage of many people
now, AI technology is improved in 12 years
cost of making AI of bookshelf may be less than that of those machines
cf. automatic folding clothes machine is about 2 million yen (start in 2005)
for small stores, small size bookshelf
clear : set the box in which AI cognizes books. all we hve to do is put books into it
pick up : set input station which we input information of books and set other box in which bookshelf put books
in stores, many people use it at the same time
how to start
offer help to professional of AI technology
offer help to bookshelf makers and ,machine maker
appeal to Japan bookstore association for support
burdensome to coordinate them
make various size
for big stores, big size bookshelf