Test Report KL/AF Authorities scripts
22-6-2016, Roy ten Have
Executed by Martin Wilmink on AE3 and AE1
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Test Goals
✅ T01 - KL users can only see the KLM aircraft in the Maintenix GUI
✅ T03 - After all scripts: KL users have the 'KL' authority on top of the 'AF\KL' authority
✅ T05 - After all scripts: AF users and KL users with Engineering organisation CEA_M have both 'AF' and 'KL' authorities on top of the 'AF\KL' authorisation
✅ T07 - All affected users can still perform all necessary activities in Maintenix (no regression!)
Script 1 - Assign 'AF' and 'KL' authorities
Script 2 - Unassign 'AF' and 'Unassign 'KL' authorities
✅ S01 - All users with the 'AF\KL' authorities gain the 'AF' and 'KL' authorities
✅ S02 - All users without the 'AF\KL' authoritiy are unaffected by the script
In order to accomodate the business requirement to "Make aircraft of AF no longer visible in the Maintenix GUI" for KL employees, and vice versa for AF employees, certain changes in Authorities on the user and inventory (aircraft) are needed.
While the changes on Inventory (Aircraft) will be made manually, the changes on user level will be executed via scripting.
✅ S03 - 'KL' Authority is removed for selected AF staff
✅ S04 - All other Authorities are not removed for AF staff
No open bugs
R01 - Running the 'For Panasonic Staff remove 'AF\KL' and 'AF' Authority results in the expected script result, though this also results in disturbing the Panasonic employees' business process.
Mitigation: The Panasonic script will not be run; authorities for these users will be manually updated by only removing of the 'AF' authority in order to ensure the business process is not disturbed.
All tests executed with a 'Passed' results.
No open bugs.
No regression.
✅ S01 - 'AF' Authority is removed for selected KL staff
✅ S02 - All other Authorities are not removed for KL staff
✅ S06 - Users with the Admin role retain both 'AF' and 'KL' authorities
✅ S05 - Users with Engineering organisation CEA_LM retain both 'AF' and 'KL' authorities
Regression Testing of Business Processes
✅ S01 - There is no Regression found for an AMT LM in executing Business Processes
✅ S02 - There is no Regression found for a TS in executing Business Processes
✅ S03 - There is no Regression found for an Outstation AMT in executing Business Processes
✅ S04 - There is no Regression found for a PBV in executing Business Processes
✅ S05 - There is no Regression found for Engineering in executing Business Processes
✅ S06 - There is no Regression found for Base Maintenance in executing Business Processes
✅ T04 - After all scripts: AF users have the 'AF' authority on top of the 'AF\KL' authority
✅ T06 - After all scripts: AF admins and KL admins with the role 'ADMIN' have both 'AF' and 'KL' authorities on top of the 'AF\KL' authorisation
✅ T02 - AF users can only see the AF aircraft in the Maintenix GUI