• Sugar causes our pancreas to secrete insulin to move excess sugar from our blood into the cells
• If this process is abused by eating too much sugar, the cells loose this ability - Pancreas responds by pumping out even more insulin
- Leading to insulin resistance
• We're programmed to see low blood sugar as a threat to survival, so our adrenal glands release cortisol -> cortisol tells the liver to increase the amount of glucose available, bringing blood sugar back to normal
• Cortisol is the fight or flight hormone -> causes an increase in heart-rate, oxygen, blood-flow, while shutting down digestion, growth, and reproduction - All energy can go to our brains & muscles
• Too much cortisol stimulated by low blood sugar levels weakens your adrenal glands to the point where they produce lower levels of sex hormones - This leads to hormone imbalances that impacts fertility
• Insulin surges also increase the destruction of the thyroid gland - If cortisol is used/abused from eating sugar daily, this all suppresses the pituitary function which is vital to thyroid function