TB6 ( The rise of modern China 1949-1976)
Communist party
Nationalist party
Chiang Kai Shek
Mao Zedong
Social reforms ( 1950s)
women's rights
free health care
free access and healthcare
sent people to villages to teach peasants and villagers
women have more freedom and rights in marriage
women were encouraged to work in factories and villages
The five year plan ( 1953-1957 )
developing industries
steel, coal, chemical productions
by building railways and highways
support of the Soviet Union
built many infrastructures that can improve the living standards
Great leap forwards ( 1958-1962 )
increase industrial outputs
caused a serious famine
killed 30 million peoples
Cultural revolution ( 1966-1976 )
A group of students supported mao were known as the red guards
Deng Xiaoping and Liu Shaoqi were arrested
because Mao viewed them as a threat