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Young/Hartley (Brum) Bringing knowledge back in: social constructivism to…
Young/Hartley (Brum) Bringing knowledge back in: social constructivism to social realism
where has it been?!
Young Knowledge & Control 1971
epistemological critique of The logic of the curriculum
logical liberal curriculum Sir David Eccles 1960 secret garden
Paul Hirst 1969 7 forms of logically distinct knowledge each with a particular way of reasoning(epistemology)
Logic not Power:::::: Physical Sciences, Mathematics&Formal logic, Human Sciences & History, Moral Understanding, Religion, Aesthetics, Philosophy
Logical Positivism Challenged by Young 1971 also Paradigm change in Sociology of Ed.
neo Marxists
studies contradicted relativism as themes seem to emerge from wherever
critiqued by Pring 1975
Paradox of social constructivism::::: If reality is only what I agree it to be then that does not mean that it is that way.
pessimissim of postmodernists::::: relativism of constructivists:::::::::critical theorists wrt emancipation from exposure to critiques RICH REWARD BY ENGAGING WITH IDEAS FOR CURRICULUM THEORISTS AND SOCIAOLGISTS OF EDUCATION
logical positivism
empirical verification only true knowledge. Theories/causality are metaphysicalbut logicl
social science imputes meaning others common sense hence all knowledge is social construct ie relativism rules!
Young 2007 Bringing knowledge back in
Principles & Concepts?
what selection of knowledge
what conceepts
No underpinning of official curriculum discourse
what theories
concerns over the Knowledge Society with no overarching theoretical underpinning
value judgements
Theory & Apllications
Young: Knowledge is a Third World of Goldilocks realism
KNOWLEDGEAlexander Fin De Siecle general theory/universal knowledge v relativistic/particularist knowledge
EDUCATION curriculum universal given or relativistic
episodic debunking of curriculum
modernism logicl positivism social relativism Marxism phenomology post modernism
social realism (neomodernism)
critique of social constructivism
emancipatory yes ;;;;conservative totalizing constructivism no myth of low expectations in child centred learning or no curriculum
Social Realism
antidote to relativism and paradox
reveal manner in which external power relations affect knowledge research and curriculum
explore how societies arising from cognitive interests may reflect back and shape society
Durkheim : knowledge is conceptual
Vygotsky: knowledge is practical
objectivity hence truth derived in part from codes etc of producers
epistemology not just physics or in pursuit of answers to practical problems
whereas recognizing the sociality of knowledge without its reality can lapse into relativism or dogmatism, a focus on its objective reality without recognizing its sociality can become little more than a justification for the status quo. pg71
National curriculum critique
instrumental, administrative outcome epistemology bad
professionals epistemology out bad