The Impact Plastic has on Marine Life
How does plastic impact marine life? 177 Australian species are impacted by plastic in some way and over 400 species have been injured or killed world wide.
How does plastic get into the ocean? Why is this?
What can we do about this issue?
What can happen when plastics stay in the water for a long time?
Animals effected and facing extinction?
Entanglement: being the biggest issue. Animals get tangled in fishing line nets, plastic bags, balloons, and straps.
Hard to break down
The Great Garbage Patch Link Title
Only 10% of the worlds plastic made is recycled.
Seals and Sea Lions
Whales and Dolphins
Clean up after yourself
Reduce the amount of plastic you use everyday
Raise awareness
Ingesting: the second biggest issue. Plastic can cause blockages of the gut or tears of the intestines.
Humans use 260 million tons of plastic per year