Qualitative research

Research Design

Going to People

The phenomenologist wants to understand social phenomena from the perspective of the actor

The reality that matters is what people perceive as important ..

Selection of Scenarios

The ideal scenario for the investigation is one in which the observer obtains easy access, establishes a good immediate relation with the informants and collects data directly related to the investigative interests

Miscellaneous Access

Access to Organizations
Access to Public and Quasi-Public Scenarios
Access to Private Scenarios

Data Collection

During the process of gaining admission to a stage, detailed field notes should be kept

Observation Field Participant

Entrance to the Field

Participating observers enter the field in the hope of establishing open relationships with informants.

Set Rapport

Establishing rapport with informants is the goal of every field researcher when you begin to achieve rapport with those you are studying, you will experience feelings of accomplishment and encouragement

Field Techniques

Act as naive
Be in the right place at the right time
Informants should not know exactly what we are studying:
Aggressive field techniques may be employed after the scenario is understood.

Interviews in Depth

Key Informants

Field researchers try to cultivate close relationships with one or two respected and knowledgeable people in the early stages of research.

Type of Interview

History of life or sociological autobiography

Learning about events and activities that can not be observed

Provide a broad picture of a range of scenario situations or people

Approach to Informers

Approach to Informers
The final word

Interview Guide

Use an interview guide to ensure that the key issues are explored with a number of informants


Throughout the interviews the researcher tracks issues that emerged as consequences of specific questions, encourages the informant to describe the experiences in detail, and precious constantly to clarify his words.

Working with Data

Descriptive and Theoretical Studies

All qualitative studies contain rich descriptive data: people's own pronounced and written words and observable activities

They use descriptive data to illustrate their theories and concepts and to convince readers that what they say is the truth

Development and Verification of Theory
Develop an approximate definition of phenomena to explain.
 Formulate a hypothesis to explain this phenomenon (this can be based on the data, on another research or on the understanding and intuition of the researcher.
 Study a case to see if the hypothesis fits.
 If the hypothesis does not explain the case, reformulate or define the phenomenon.
 Actively seek negative cases that refute the hypothesis.
 When negative cases are found, reformulate the hypothesis or redefine the phenomenon.
 Continue until the hypothesis has been adequately tested (until a universal relationship has been established, according to some researchers) by examining a wide range of cases.

Progress analysis

Data analysis is a progressing process in qualitative research

Data collection and analysis go hand in hand. Through participant observation, in-depth interviews and other qualitative research.

Data collection and analysis go hand in hand. Through participant observation, in-depth interviews, and other qualitative research, researchers keep track of emerging themes, read their field notes or transcripts, and develop concepts to begin to make sense of their data.

Life History Construction

In the construction of life stories, the analysis consists of a process of collating and gathering the story, so that the results capture the feelings, ways of seeing, and perspective of the person

The life stories and important experiences of a person's life, or some main part of it, in the protagonist's own words.