• • He was too optimistic about people's ability to learn, as he proposed a pansophical education system, which implied that everyone would learn everything.
• Comenius did not tolerate any class distinctions in education.
• I thought that education should be accessible and did not believe in the privileges of the aristocratic class.
• According to Comenius, the object and purpose of education is to make human beings look like Christ. It was a preparation for life and not just for education.
• School life must be governed by strict organization and work order
• Teachers should be chosen who love the study and feel a real affection for the children.
• He believed that the initial education was the mothering given at home by the parents, reinforced by the language classes, without neglecting science and art, followed by the Latin school, where they learned Greek, Latin, Hebrew, Literature and art and, finally, academia and travel, which would be for the most outstanding students and that would help them to research.