1. Anthropological Ethnography - Researcher spends lengthy periods of time immersed in foreign/unknown cultures and subcultures (field notes, journals, interviews)
2. Audience Ethnography - Researchers want to explore how audiences make sense of & derive pleasure from interaction with their favourite TV/ radio programmes.
3. Street Ethnography - Particular setting. Participants, by choice/ due to circumstances, spend their time on the streets. Homeless, street gangs, prostitutes. May present a physical danger to the researcher - have to earn trust of street group members to enter.
4. Authoenthnography - Ethnographical & autobiographical study about the cultural connection between an individual researcher & others in a specific social context. Focus: Relationship between self (researcher) and others. E.g researcher examines their own experiences as a political refugee in a foreign country.
5. Virtual ethnography - Researcher uses ethnographic techniques to gain an understanding of people's behaviour in cyberspace eg observing blog discussion
6. Institutional Ethnography - Late 70s from a critical feminist perspective. Applied as a frame of inquiry to understand how the workplace is shaping the subjective experience of people. Subjective experience of oppressed people in an institution. Researcher attempts to understand hidden and possibly oppressive activities.