Amotivation I don't, because I really feel that I'm wasting my time at work
I do little because I don't think this work is worth putting effort into.
I don't know why I'm doing this job, It's pointless work.
Extrinsic regulation – social To get others' approval (e.g. supervisor, colleagues, family, clients ...).
Because others will respect me more (e.g. supervisor, colleagues, family, clients ...).
To avoid being criticised by others (e.g. supervisor, colleagues, family, clients ...).
Extrinsic regulation – material Because others will award me financially only if I put enough effort into my job (e.g. employer, supervisor ...).
Because others offer me greater job security if I put enough effort into my job (e.g. employer, supervisor ...).
Because others will award me financially only if I put enough effort into my job (e.g. employer, supervisor ...).
Introjected regulations Because I have to prove to myself that I can.
Because it makes me feel proud of myself.
Because otherwise I will feel ashamed of myself.
Because otherwise I will feel bad about myself.
Identified regulation Because I personally consider it important to put effort into this job.
Because putting effort into this job aligns with my personal values.
Because putting effort into this job has personal significance to me.
Intrinsic motivation Because I have fun doing my job.
Because what I do in my work is exciting.
Because the work I do is interesting.