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Spring (Testing (@ExtendWith(SpringExtension.class), @ContextConfiguration…
@ContextConfiguration(classes=YourTestConfig.class), if no class gave, go into the class to find Configuration annotation.
@Sql(scripts="/testfiles/test-data.sql", executionPhase=AFTER_TEST_METHOD, config=\@SqlConfig(errorMode=FAIL_ON_ERROR,...))
run given sql file before(default: without executionPhrase property) test executes
use @Transactional on @Test methods to rollback after test done, no need to clean up DB
use @Commit to commit tx at end of test
use @Before\AfterTransaction to run before/after entering/exiting tx
@DirtiesContext force context to close after a test method. can test PreDestroy behavior. New cached context built after method with this annotation.
@TestPropertyResource(properties={"[properties]"} locations="[file path(default file name is the class name)]")
Transaction Management
readOnly=true for read-only tx, faster -> same datasource, reduce the connection in one transaction.
- declare a PlatformTransactionManager bean
(use @EnableTransactionManagement on class which define the manager bean)
- Declare the transactional methods
warp the target class in a proxy, with an @Around advice
the proxy implements following behavior
- Tx started before entering the txnal method
- Commit at the end of the mothod
- Rollback if method throws RuntimeException (can be overridden)
Isolation Levels
may result in locking, depending on DBMS used
Tx propagation
default, execute within current tx, create one if none exists
create a new tx, suspending the current tx if exists
noRollbackFor={ClassB.class, ClassC.class}
Programmatic Transaction
new TransactionTemplate(txManager).execute( (status) -> { ... } )
status.setRollbackOnly() in catch block
@Sql transaction control
@EnableTransactionManagement: example of BPP, to proxies transactional beans
enables modularization of cross-cutting concerns which is
generic funcionality needed across many places
Join Point
a point of execution of a program, like method call or exception thrown
Advice types
access JoinPoint, returned value from target method
@AfterThrowing(value=..., throwing="exceptionType")
do NOT stop exception propagation, use @Around advice to stop it
ProceedingJoinPoint inherits JoinPoint and adds proceed(), which calls the target method
Pointcut Designator:
1.execution(@SomeAnnotation *(return type) com.example.*Service.find*(int, ..));
2.can use multiple expression at the same time.
Spring Boot
use sensible defaults to initialize app based on classpath contents
e.g. if spring-jdbbc.jar is on classpath, create a JdbcTemplate
@SpringBootTest(classes={C1.class, C2.class})
Dependency Injection
Dependency injection default to be true.By default, inject bean defined in other @configuration file, given that this file is @import-ed in that file, or throw out exception.
Use required = false to override default behavior
Constructor dependency injection:
->precisely many parameters in constructor method;
->injection is mandatory and immutable
-> fields or method parameters
-> injection can be inherited automatically.
-> changeable and circular dependency.
Application Context
duplicate beans
Order (control which Bean method to run and this is the class level annotation)
Scope (@Scope("[scopeName]") )
singleton (default)
To multi-thread issues(same bean at same time):
1.stateless or immutable beans;
- sychronized;
- different scope.
@Import({ConfA.class, ConfB.class})
to separate config into multiple files(Best practice is to separate "application" bean from "infrastructure" bean)
Bean (bean definition)
used inside configuration classes
BUT need a static bean for PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer()
- automactically defined in spring boot projects
Lifecycle is bound to a Transaction, usually managed by container
find(Class entity, Object primaryKey)
JPA Quering
Query createQuery(String jpqlString, [returnclass])
.setParameter(paramName/index, value)
select required, cannot user *
context close ->bean clean up (@PreDestroy method called, beans released for garbage collection )
Data Management
@Cacheable(value="cachestore name", key="cached item key(pattern: #method param name)", condition="#title.length < 32") marks a method for caching its return value from the same input arguments
:question: per thread or global?
cache applies to spring beans, scope should be same with cached bean
can use object field as key, key=""
can use custom key generator, key="T(example.KeyGen).hash(#author)"
only cache if condition is true, condition="#person.age < 20"
(value="cachestore name", beforeInvocation=true) clear cache before method invoked
queryForObject("SELECT * FROM ...", JavaBuiltinType.class,[paramValues in sequence with comma])
query for domain objects
lamba expression is from java 8 and it can be encapsulated in a class implementing 3 interfaces for resultSet
query(someSQL, [(RowCallbackHandler/ResultSetExtractor<T>)](ResultSet rs, [int row]) -> expression to deal with one row in rs)
reuse just ONE template, it's thread-safe after constructed
T mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException
T extractData(ResultSet rs) throws SQLException, DataAccessException
Lifecycle Control
->any visibility, BUT must take NO args and return void
->not spring annotation. javax.annotation
Bean level
class which cannot be annotated
initMethod="aMethodName", destroyMethod="someMethodName"
Spring Data
Instant Repository
- annotate domain class, define keys and enable persistence
- Define repository as an interface and extend Repository<T,K>
- at run-time, Spring scans for interfaces extending Repository<T, K> and
generate CRUD methods automatically
also support paging, sorting (via PagingAndSortingRespository<T, K>), custom queries etc.
Auto-generated finder methods named like
Add Custom Behavior
- Create normal interface and implementation
- mix-in with an automatic repository
Stereotype Annotations
predefined in spring, themselves annotated with Component
DAO class, Data access logic