Has a compelling case been clearly articulated? If this element is missing, there may be inertia. If it is not clear why change is required, people will move slowly or make little effort to change.
• Is there a clear vision? If this element is missing, there may be confusion about the change. People will be unsure about the merits of the change if it is not clear what is changing.
• Is there a well-defined strategy? If this element is missing, there may be diffusion of effort. Without a clear road-map for achieving the vision, people will focus on tasks that may not deliver on the desired end state.
• Are there adequate resources? If this element is missing, there may be frustration because people will be discouraged if there is not the budget or means to achieve the vision.
• Is there the organisational/physical capability? If this element is missing, there may be fatigue because the organisation does not have the necessary skills to lead the change.
• Is there sufficient motivation? If this element is missing, there may be crawl. If people are not enthusiastic about the change, they will move slowly and change will take longer than anticipated.
• Are there robust communication mechanisms? If this element is missing, there may be doubt. Without adequate communication about the change and its progress, people will be uncertain about the likelihood of success. CiVcSdRfCfMcMcd