How might we use art as a way to communicate, our ideas of how to reform personal consumption, across languages?
Communication/ language
reform personal consumption
the medium for art will be math
c1.1 analyse the role of metabolic processes in the functioning of and interactions between biotic and abiotic systems (e.g., specialized microbes and enzymes in biotechnological applications to treat wastewater in the pulp and paper industry; microbes and enzymes in bioremediation, such as in the cleanup of oil spills; energy transfer from producers to consumers) [AI, C]
the science community
The people who dont think climate change is real.
movement, social protest
street art
social media
e1.2 evaluate, on the basis of research, some of the human health issues that arise from the impact of human activities on the environment (e.g., the effects of synthetic estrogen compounds released into our water systems; the effects of leaching of compounds from plastic products into soil and water) [IP, PR, AI, C]
f1.1 analyse the effects of human population growth, personal consumption, and technological development on our ecological footprint (e.g., the deforestation resulting from expand- ing development and demand for wood products causes the destruction of habitats that support biological diversity; the acidification of lakes associated with some industrial processes causes a decrease in sh populations) [AI, C]
f3.4 explain the concept of energy transfer in a human population in terms of how food energy in the production, distribution, and use of food resources
geogibra will be the program
political art
because functions are only lines then the product will be a lot of line work
As the population grows the need for material things like clothing food and products goes up. this creates more waste and more waste that is burned leaving more fumes in the art, and more air polution.
First, it must be determined if there is sufficient land for the landfill. To give you an idea how much land is needed for a landfill, we'll use the example of a site we visited, the North Wake County Landfill in Raleigh, North Carolina. This site has both a sanitary landfill, which was closed in 1997, and a working MSW landfill. The site takes up 230 acres of land, but only 70 acres is dedicated to the actual landfill. The remaining land is for the support areas (runoff collection ponds, leachate collection ponds, drop-off stations, areas for borrowing soil and 50- to 100-foot buffer areas).
The basic parts of a landfill, as shown in Figure 3, are:
Bottom liner system - separates trash and subsequent leachate from groundwater
Cells (old and new) - where the trash is stored within the landfill
Storm water drainage system - collects rain water that falls on the landfill
Leachate collection system - collects water that has percolated through the landfill itself and contains contaminating substances (leachate)
Methane collection system - collects methane gas that is formed during the breakdown of trash
Covering or cap - seals off the top of the landfill
Each of these parts is designed to address specific problems that are encountered in a landfill. So, as we discuss each part of the landfill, we'll explain what problem is solved.
The principal behind modern sanitary landfills is to bury trash in the most contained way possible.
almost 40% of food in the US never gets eaten, 365 million pound/day. Food waste contributes to climate change, the production(transportation, labour, farm land) and produces green house gasses when decoposing. try ing to get people who need foor connected with the people who have extra food.
using reusable instead of disposable. USA is #1 for producing trash. charging 15 cents for a plastic bag saw the amount of people taking a plastic bag go from 75% to 26%, it makes people question wether or no they need the bag.
Cutting animal cruelty and opening up farm land for crop and for more green space. Crop takes up less space that cattle and doesn't produce methane gas. having more green space would increase the amount of plants able to convert green house gasses back into "oxygen".
domesticated livestock would most likely be eaten, roughly 1 billion people are employed to raise and process livestock, not all land will be able to come back and be able to be used for anything but livestock (land to dry), there are many animal based products (from cosmetics, to clothes, to crayons), more land deticated to growing plant based alturnitives
Estimated that there are 3,500,000,000 sheep pigs and cows, 10, 000,000,000 + chickens raised for food every year. livestock is responsible for 15% of green house gasses.
20billion chickens, 1,5billion cows, over a billion sheep, and a little under a billion pigs. 33 million km^2 used for pasture. about 70% of fresh water consumption is used in agriculture.
Native american art.: Native American art usually tell stories and focus on connections in nature. Connections are good for this project are important for convincing people to reform there ways. I wanted to give people a moment to explore the concept of connection, and the domino effect
When talking about communication across languages i wanted to find something that everyone would understand. but there is no one language that every single person speaks. But it you take art, art is the same across all languages, its something you don't need to speak a special language to understand. the other thing that is nearly universal is math, math is the same in all countries. so it only makes sense to use these as a form of communication.
it is hard to want to change the way peple are living, because everything is so easy and its instant. businesses are making money and people have things easy. the only one who isn't winning is the environment #
obviously pollution is one of the largest. the garbage takes too long to decompose and hing leaves us with it just piling up with no place to go. This disrupts the natural order because animals are eating the garbage and getting stuck in it, and they are eating potentially harmful things to them. also it can leak into our water streams and begin to make people sick, everything from diarrhoea to parasites.
cattle release methane gas, green house gasses global warming.
graphs show population growth, density, birth rate, mortality, ect.
One graph shows the rise in population is exponential, and all fairly recently(relatively speaking). also our population annual growth rate has been steadily decreasing after the spike in 1970 of 2.1%, this doesn't reflect on our world population tho population, which seems to continue growing (as well as expected to increase further.
Concept piece, this i created on paper first then used an iphone app called Colorfy to convert it into a digital drawing.
i then uploaded the picture into my Geogibra document and used it as a reference to create my piece.
It takes about an acre if land to sustain one person for a whole year
Google Sites
I want to hand in a website that has my pictures and explains my project, my research, and I want it to have an artist statement about the art.
tips on going zero waste