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How to Teach Receptive Skills (2017-07-10) (:book: Reading (:star:…
How to Teach Receptive Skills
:star: 3 steps
:three: Post-listening
2 목적
comprehension check-up through Ss' responses
:one: 모르는 부분 강화
:two: skill integration
3 more items...
:star: Information Transfer
4 more items...
without extra burden about other skills
들은 내용을 그대로 받아쓰거나 또는 L1/L2로 바꾸어 쓰기
:one: Pre-listening
while-listening 中 comprehension ↑
schematic knowledge activation
content/ formal(+linguistic)
language preparation 포함
activate top-down processing
to motivate
:school: activities
content schemata
personal questions
visual materials
:warning: accept every ideas without criticism
about a topic
setting up an authentic and clear reason to listen
Pre-set questions
pre- 때 질문, while- 때 듣고 답하기
자연히 '예측하며 듣기'
active listening
:warning: post- 때 질문을 주면 only 기억에만 의존
linguistic schemata
language preparation
Pre-teaching vocabulary
내용 이해에 방해가 된다고 판단될 경우
:two: While-listening
MUST have well-designed activities
6 Types of intensive listening performance
(교실 내 이루어지는 듣기 활동)
목적에 따른 분류
:star: :two: Intensive listening
focus on certain components of discourse(담화 전체 X)
:thought_balloon: phonemes, words, intonation, discourse markers, etc
특정 요소를 각인시키기 위해
:arrow_up_small: Bottom-up processing
shorter material
:three: Responsive listening
T's role
to elicit immediate responses
S's role
to process the T talk and to fashion an appropriate reply
How are you today?
What did you say?
Take out a textbook and a pencil.
:star: :four: Selective listening(선택적 듣기)
for certain info
Scanning 이용
:heavy_plus_sign: FI 학습자에게 유리
모든 정보 다 들을 필요 X
:arrow_up_small: Bottom-up processing
longer material
length of material
:thought_balloon: 연설, 방송, 이야기 등
:star: :five: Extensive listening
다른 개념#
:arrow_down_small: Top-down processing
#Top-down vs. Bottom-up processing
:thought_balloon: 강의를 듣고 전체적인 메시지 이해하기 등
:six: Interactive listening
can include all five above types
through authentic communicative interchange
integrated with speaking skill
:thought_balloon: discussion, debates, conversations, role plays, etc.
:one: Reactive listetning
뭐가 다르니?
to repeat it back to T(교사의 말을 따라하게 하기 위한 것)
limited S's roles
rote learning
:thought_balloon: pronounciation, drill
Types of Talks(text)(목적에 따라)
:one: Interactional(=Interpersonal)
for communication(소통)
:two: Transactional
2가지가 섞일 수 있음
to convey information(정보전달)
:school: provide both types of talk to practice
:star: :school: Listening Strategies(While- 中)
cf. SBI
:three: Skimming
tasks related to the main idea/ gist
:thought_balloon: T/F, Yes/No, open-ended Qs, 맞는 그림 고르기
top-down processing
:four: Scanning
tasks related to specific info
:thought_balloon: jigsaw, fill in ~, check off, correct misinfo, draw pic, T/F
bottom-up processing
:five: Listening for details
main idea + specific info (:three: plus :four:)
:six: Making an inference
tasks related to "listening between the lines"
:thought_balloon: problem-solving, decision-making, discussions
intermediate ~ advanced level
가장 고난이도의 기술
:two: Listening to confirm predictions(=Monitoring)
:thought_balloon: check answers to pre- activities, match predictions
enable Ss to "notice the gap" between
what they are listening and what they are missing
:one: Predicting
같이 가야해
:warning: 유일하게 pre- 에서 지도
schema activation
active listening 도모
while- 中 comprehension ↑
:thought_balloon: discussions, guess words, look at pics, Qs, T/F,
brainstorming, pre-teaching vocabulary
:heavy_plus_sign::question: further reading
successful learners provide a relevant response
to the info presented in text(내용에 적절한 반응을 보임)
When they don't understand,
successful learners ask Qs/feedback to speaker to clarify
successful learners check how well they understood
by checking if they complete the task or not
at the end of the task
cf. During while- step, MUST have well-designed activities
:book: Reading
3 steps
:two: While-reading
genre에 따른 rhetorical structure 가르쳐주기
:three: Post-reading
:one: Pre-reading
:arrow_up_small: Bottom-up approaches
:four: :sound: Phonics approach
alphabet + pronounciation
:three: :pencil2: Linguistic approach
words containing the same spelling patterns
:thought_balloon: (-ate) communicate, facilitate, fabricate
:Two: :star: Basal approach(=A graded reader approach)
배울 내용을 철저히 control/ sequence
"readers are carefully graded and sequenced"
:thought_balloon: 아동용, 중학생, 고등학생, 성인용 고전문학
:one: :eyes: Sight words
present high-frequency words repeatedly
:thought_balloon: the, all, an, I
without decoding afterwards
tendency to rely on visual memory
:baby::skin-tone-3: 어린 학습자
starting from the smallest unit
focus on discrete/ linguistic points
cf. Structuralism
less previous knowledge than grown-ups
:arrow_up_small: Top-down approaches
:person_with_blond_hair::skin-tone-2: 성인 학습자(중고등 포함)
schematic knowledge를 이용, gist부터 파악
:warning: schematic knowledge에 따라 comprehension 달라짐
meaning-focused activities 선호
:three: :Star: The language experience approach
이론적 토대
Experiential Learning
언어를 직접 경험할 수 있는 기회 제공
1 more item...
Episode Hypothesis
이야기 방식으로 구성된 material이 더 잘 기억/재생
active reading 도모, highly-motivated
make their reading material by dictation
공통의 경험을 주제로
:two: Literature-based approach
children's literature chosen by S
"extensive reading"
meaning-focused, interesting, enjoyable
:one: Whole Language Approach(WLA)
언어는 불가분의 한 형태
cf. CA
:thought_balloon: hands-on activities, field trips, project work
:star: Reading strategies
:two: Skimming
:thought_balloon: time-constraint 주기
:three: Scanning
같이 가야해: Skim → Scan
:warning: details 찾는 것과 달라!
모두 다가 아니라 필요한 특정 정보만
:one: Predicting
:warning: 유일하게 pre- 에서 지도
schema activation
:thought_balloon: 단어 뜻 추론, 지칭 추론 등
:four: Semantic mapping/clustering
:thought_balloon: 마인드맵핑
to provide order to a passage
정보를 효과적으로 정리하는 전략
:five: Making an inference
:thought_balloon: 주제를 적절한 속담으로 표현 등
"reading between the lines"
implied meaning
3 Types of intensive reading performance
(교실 내 이루어지는 읽기 활동)
:one: Oral reading
pronounciation check
bottom-up processing skills check
Silent reading
:two: Intensive reading
:three: Extensive reading
:warning: listening activities, strategies,steps와 비슷한 점 多,
특징적인 것만 알아둘 것
Characteristics of Receptive Skills
Schema Theory
人은 새로운 정보를 받아들일 때 schematic knowledge이 영향
:school: T's role: Schema activation
2 types of schematic knowledge
:one: Content schemata
:check: general knowledge toward the world
CA에선 얘를 더 선호
:two: Formal schemata
:heavy_plus_sign: :three:Linguistic schemata
:thought_balloon: discourse structure, rhetorical expressions, etc
:school: Active L&R/ listener& reader
:check: "passively accept"(X), "actively accept"(O)
성공적인 언어학습(자)
:ONE: 3 steps (pre - while - post) 중 Pre-activity
:Two: 예측하며 ~하기(~하는 목적 有)
Extensive vs. Intensive
:tea: Extensive
outside the classroom(real-life)
for pleasure & general linguistic improvement
Ss select the text
T encourages
no focus on details
No (or minimal) activities
:smiley: 장점
highly motivated, interested
:star: :school: 극대화 방안
easy access
:thought_balloon: 아침 영어 오디오북/ 팝송, 학급/학교문고, after-school class/ club
minimal activity로 강제성 부여
:thought_balloon: 2~3줄 정도의 리뷰나 요약, 인기도서/팝송/미드 등 발표
:books: Intensive
inside the classroom
under T's lesson plan
T singles out the appropriate text
when necessary, material adaptation
:smiley: 장점
systematic and effective learning
for learning
cf. 6 Types of intensive listening performance
(교실 내 이루어지는 듣기 활동)
cf. 3 Types of intensive reading performance
(교실 내 이루어지는 읽기 활동)
:school: 궁극적인 지향점은 Extensive L&R
Bottom-up vs. Top-down
결론) Interactive processing
상황과 필요에 따라
두 가지 전략 모두 사용
:smiley: 성공적인 학습!
:school: 보통 activity는 Top-down → Bottom-up으로 전개
:arrow_up_small: Bottom-up Processing
의미 파악의 clue: schematic knowledge vs. descrete points
linear, analytical
:evergreen_tree: 나무 → 숲 :evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:
discrete points → overall meaning
:arrow_down_small: Top-down Processig
CA에서 더 선호
through prediction, confirming, etc.
:evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree::evergreen_tree:숲 → 나무 :evergreen_tree:
use of schematic knowledge 多
to reconstruct the intended meaning
:school: While- L&R
activity를 통해 문제점 파악
Post- 에서 보충
:thought_balloon: 표면적인 정보를 틀린다면 bottom-up에,
분위기, 감정을 틀린다면 top-down에 문제 有
Text adaptation
:ONE: Authentic material
CA에서 선호
:TWO: Simplified material
:school: Authentic을 기본으로, 필요에 따라 Simplified를
Types of Input
"Finely-tuned input"
:check: carefully tailored for Ss' current levels
clear examples of target points
to teach targeted linguistic points
주로 simplified material과 연결
"Roughly-tuned input"
:check: approximately at Ss' current levels
주로 authentic material과 연결
:warning: 그렇다고 완전 authentic은 아니고
may be beyond Ss' levels but still,
the whole passage is comprehensible
natural examples of language use
:school: Ss benefit from a combination of both
:star: :school: 3 Criteria of Choosing Text(지문선정기준)
:one: Suitability of content
appropriate for the goal
socio-cultural appropriateness
:two: Exploitability(탐구가능성)
integratable with other skills
exploitable for tasks
:question: real-life란 말인가?
:THREE: Readability
appropriate level
grammatical, lexical, structural
diagnostic test 사전 필요
:star: 5 Comprehension Levels
Bottom-up & text 內
:two: Reorganization(=reinterpretation)
떨어진 정보, 그대로 드러나있지는 않은 정보
부분적으로 재조합/해석하여 이해할 수 있다
elementary inferencing 요함
:ONE: Literal
지문에 표현된 그대로의 정보를 이해할 수 있다
Top-down, & text 內外
:three: Inferential(=interpretive)(추론하며 ~)
"between the lines"
schematic knowledge 사용
implied meaning 파악
:four: Evaluative(=critical)(비판적 ~)
맹목적 수용 X, personal judgement
주로 post- 에서
:five: Creative(=appreciative)
제시된 내용을 바탕으로 새로운 것을 창작할 수 있다
알아야 하는 이유
Ss' Comprehension Levels를 파악해야 하는 이유
While- activities 中
Ss' responses를 통해
Ss' problems in processing 파악
Ss' comprehension 정도 파악
Post- 의 lesson plan에 영향
부족한 부분 강화?
cf. Intake(수용)
:check: input + attention
안 되면 아무리 input이 많아도 소용 X
cf. :left_right_arrow: Krashen's Input Hypothesis