In what ways is Cuban history encoded into Elpidio Valdes and to what ends?


Outlining what you're going to cover

Establish that you will only consider TV stuff because of the lesser legitimacy and dissemination of the comics

Cultural Politics Context

History of Comics

History in TV & Film in the 1970s

Elpidio Valdes and Cultural Politics

History in Elpidio Valdes

Ways in which historical veracity is declared in Elpidio

Accuracy of history - investigation carried out by Juan Padron

Elpidio Conforming to Officialist History

El Machete


Photography at the end of second film

Historical events in third film + use of real footage

Use of dates etc

Kate Quinn and Louis Perez

Themes and tropes in Elpidio - brief examples

Racial democracy

David v. Goliath



What is the effect of history being encoded and disseminated in such a way? To what ends is this being done?

Elpidio as figural representation?

Porbén's thesis

Merino's thesis

Elpidio becomes part of the pantheon - go on to elaborate how he appears on stamps, how he is celebrated his 45 years like any other martyer. The story of the littel girl. All this serves as a good intro to the next chapter on his relevance in popular culture.

Introduce what Kate says - what happens when he is released from his representation and is interpreted, moulded, manipulated by the masses

Cultural politics under which ELpidio is created

The significance of history to the ICAIC at the time in which Elpidio is produced

The ways in which Elpidio declares itself as more than just a cartoon - butas a quasi non-fictional telling of Cuban history

Elpidio in the context of Cuban historiography - how does he fit in with the tropes of officialist history?

How Elpidio's relationship to history has elevated him into the pantheon of historical figures and nationalist martyrs

Looking at other theses, and then presenting my own thesis of Elpidio as figural representation

Cubania, relatability