Q: I have a—so I was in the Army. Then when I got out I had a topsecret
clearance. So I currently have that
still. And so the question is, if I travel to Cuba will that affect the clearance? And if someone who has—
doesn’t have a clearance and is applying to have a clearance, and they travel to Cuba, would that affect them
receiving a clearance?
PURCELL: See, I’m reluctant to answer the question because it’s pretty specific in terms of—how can I put it?
In theory, you should have—in theory—(laughs)—you should have the right to just, you know, tell the U.S.
government you fit into this group or that group. And then you can go and supposedly they don’t check it.
But in your case, it seems to me—and I’m just talking from—it’s a gut feeling I have, but I’m not basing it on
anything I know for sure—since you have, you know, a high level of clearance and you’re former military, I
would—I would check it through the U.S. Treasury Department. :check: