UN Human rights treaty system:
The declaration includes a wide range. Following the declaration the drafters had to make a treaty but they made two ICCPR and ICCESR.
First (civil and political), second(economic, social and cultural) and third generation (group rights, healthy environment, development…)
What is the difference ICCPR and ICESCR: ICCPR negative rights, negative duty. not put obstacle is on way((giving the white only privilege to vote). , states cannot infringe them, while ICECPR is positive(the states has to provide water). What does effective voting right mean? Setting up voting stations and registering. To see these as different generations is highly criticised. Why two treaties? Because the East and Western blocks. There were practical issues as well making the two treaties at the same time. ICCPR says that everyone has rights and entitled to a remedy. Optional protocol- an addition to the treaty created a complaint mechanism. That means an individual can take complaint to the committee that the state has violated his right. ICESCPR: progressively …to the state, …resources, no individual claim mechanism until 2015- optional protocol.
Rights indivisible, interdependent but these terms mask different priorities and conceptions of HR followed by many specialist human rights treaties over the years (genocide, torture, discrimination against women etc. ) Treaty-specific implementation/enforcement mechanism. UN Charter and treaty- based bodies for enforcement of human rights. Is this profileration of HR a good thing?