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PLT - 22 May 2017 (Face To Face Cameroon Attendees - Celehte (Who is…
PLT - 22 May 2017
Face To Face Cameroon Attendees - Celehte
Who is attending?
Flights from own budget, accomm by PLT.
Visa application
Action: Teams will give final figures for bookings
Invitation letters
Forest Summary: Map for not only DRC and Cameroon - Long list in DRC, national and local orgs. Good in lobbying and research. Another is good in political debate. Other members listed are already part of research on the ground, monitoring logging consessions and logging. Communities and ngo's working with us. DRC: An org based on solution work = potential partner - ship tour open up partnerships in area of ship tour
Cameroon: local and internat orgs we can work with. New battle ground so identifying new and potential partns. Org who can strengthen our work on the ground. Gabon and Brazaville - identified - list due to be completed.
MOU - Depends on group of orgs we are working with already. network members to facilitate our work. Agreement policy - No comment received yet but workin on it.
Mandate column is missing - Sylvie working on it an will load as google doc. Please write our full names and not acronyms.
Can MPs and church leaders be considered partners? Yes = church and others not MP's yet. C&E also discussed = Will leave MP's / Govt as a separate work.
Action: Add mobiliation / research and educational institutes to doc
Oceans Summary:
Political Mapping not partnership mapping = really good for influence. Lin will work with Oceans on partnership mapping.
FFL: Still collecting potiental partner data. Map out into detail exist orgs details. Engagment with local orgs - rooted in fin aspect = when working with GP they expect to be paid.
MOU's only a couple. Not been able to move away from potential and existing partners wanting to be paid. Not a sustainable approach.
Have extensive ngo database. But identify those we can to prioritise and want to wrk with.
FFL may need some facilitation.
Action: Toko and Lin pick up and discuss futher
C&E: Exensive exercise and document of 32 pages long. Talked through each partner and who will be priotised. Some of them may be useful for other depts in the org. Prob = How we'll achieve grant partners? Have good number of Alliances. Initiatives = 5. Research bodies and inst = 4. Unions = 5. Faith based = 0 - Safcei not a priority. Will do some more research on faith based. International partners = Good number of partners who have relevance in other countries as well. Information sharing orgs. Renew energy and energy efficiency - Done a lot of research in Africa.
A lot we don't know yet beyond SA, as we finalise our strategy and approach, our work may become more significant.
Our core targets within SA is already alone is a massive ambition.
Policy Doc: Too much of a finance focus in the doc, serious gaps in definitions of partnerships, wording in not suitable. Base on certain things in doc we won't be able to go forward. Penny ...
Proritisation alignment: Feedback from GPI Programmes
Document needs feedback by tomorrow. Shring of higlghts then a smpl brnstrm. ovr riding respse = Amition and priotiastion. = too ambitious need to cut back and align to our mother, they say milestones not clear enough we diagree. Focus only on C&E and forest and prioritise them. Which NROs do we wnt to wrk w? Prog align. What makes GP diff from Oxfam and Amnesty intenational? How does the camp align with FR? Pro
What are the big projects and ppl we want to engage?
Prob with hubs?
We agree that our camps stragegies were built around the 1.5. Hubs are good. Good repsonses to it. Capacity was a concern. What do we prioritse hubs - 2 hubs = C&E and Forests - Core work. Great excitement about our oil and plastic strategy.
Our Geoprioritistation (Priortisation map) has not been shared
Will be best to have clarity on what exactly the camps .... in order to determine the other camp priorities
prioritisation is effective as of 2017
1.5 = Ev camp needs to make contributn toward this. 1.5 means that we need to be more ambitious as an org. Maybe they are not seeing the ambition in the right places. If this is the direction we are going we need to be ambitious.
How are they not seeing the prioritisation?
Need to look at capacity for actions
Recommendations for SMT: 1. Which NRO's do we want to work with? Still need to decide and it depends a project develops. 2. Some recomms can only be answered in an operational strategy. 3. Further and ongoing convo's with GCL's
Lin at 23:00 - 3 points mentioned
GLT = 19 June
Rapid Response
Guide draft sent by Toko to PLT.
: Please look at and comment on Doc. Rapid resp team = Needs to be composed. Need to stil work on the template . Need to still look at processes and levels. Deadine for comments = Friday 26 May
Up to date.
text**: Only FFL activities need updating
Attendees: Lindlyn, Toko, Melita, Penny-Jane, Diana W, Sidd, Candice, Stefan, Victorine, Ibrahima, Irene, Celehte
Next PLT 2 June 11:00 = SMT will be in Kenya