transitioning to middle school
lots of homework
we might not have enough sleep
it could effect my health
you might lose your friendship groups by not communicating with them
makes me feel axious
ill be stresst
i wont constraint on class
i wont finish my work
ill be sick
i will be negetive
work in class
ill be angry
i wont be able to work as much
ill be tired
i wont be able to work because ill be tired
i wont be thinking about work
i will get more detentions because i wont be working
i wont be getting a high mark
makes me feel lonley
ill lose my friendship groups
well be axious
i might not be with my friends and family
ill feel worried
play time
not enough play time makes me feel lazy
too much play time wastes my energy for next lessons
ill just be thinking of what i played
its too small
our bags wont fit
it might broke the bag depending