Origins of Psych
Behavioural Approach
Social Learning Theory
Cognitive Approach
Psychodynamic Approach
Biological Approach
Humanistic Approach
Wundt and Introspection
Emergence as a Science
Wilhelm Wundt opened the first psychological lab in Leipzig, Germany, introduced structuralism
Watson and early Behaviourists rejected introspection
Standardised instructions made for replicable procedures
Early philosophical routes of Descartes, Locke and Darwin
Assumptions - observable,
basic processes similar in all species
Classical Conditioning - Pavlov's dogs, association of Neutral Stimulus with Unconditioned Stimulus, to produce new Conditioned Stimulus and Conditioned Response
Operant Conditioning - Skinner's rats, Reinforcement (positive and negative), punishment
Objectivity and replication helped psych establish as a science
CC - Focus on here and now, treating phobias
OC - token economy in prisons
Humans are passive responders, mental events not included
IND - Environmental Determinism
Ethical and practical issues in animal experiments
Vicarious Reinforcement - Observation leads to imitation if behaviour is vicariously reinforced, Bobo Doll
Assumptions - observable,
basic processes similar in all species
Meditational Processes - Attention, Retention, Motivation, Reproduction
Identification - more likely to imitate role models you identify with
Cognitive factors of learning more comprehensive account of learning
Evidence from lab experiments display low validity and examples of demand characteristics (Social Desirability Bias)
Underestimates the influence of biology, e.g. hormonal changes causing aggression
Explains cultural differences
IND - less deterministic, reciprocal determinism
Assumptions - Internal mental processes can be studied through inference
Theoretical and Computer Models - Information processing approach, mind is likened to a computer and applied to AI
The Role of Schema - Innate or Learned Mental short-cut leads to perceptual errors Beliefs and expectation affect thoughts and behaviour
Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience - Biological structures link to mental states Brain imaging used to read the brain
Credible basis due to lab experiments to produce reliable, objective data
Machine Reductionism (IND) - ignores the influence of emotion
Abstract and overly theoretical, artificial stimuli
IND - less deterministic than other approaches
Role of the Unconscious - The conscious of the mind is the 'tip of the iceberg'
Structure of Personality - Id, Ego and Superego
In constant conflict, ego protected by defence mechanisms (e.g. repression, denial, displacement)
Psychosexual Stages - Five stages, different conflict at each stage
Had/s a huge influence on psychology and Western thought
Unique and abnormal case studies, lack scientific rigour
Much of the theory is unfalsifiable and untestable, thus pseudoscientific
Used practically in psychoanalysis
IND - psychic determinism denies our free will
Free Will - People are active agents who are self-determining
Self Actualisation - Everyone has an innate tendency to want to reach their potential
The Self, Congruence and Conditions of Worth - Personal growth requires congruence between self and ideal self
Heirachy of Needs - Maslow identified psych deficiency needs to be satisfied before safety and self-actualisation
IND - not reductionist, places importance on the whole person
Not a theory, loose set of concepts
Optimistic as sees people as basically good
IND - culturally biased to an individualist culture (Western)
Made of vague ideas that are abstract and difficult to test so the approach lacks evidence
Assumptions - Biological processes: genes, neurochem and nerve system
Genetic Basis of Behaviour - Twin and family studies
Geno and Phenotype - Interaction between nature and nurture
Evolution and Behaviour - natural selection of genes based on survival value and, ultimately reproductive success
Precise techniques, such as scanning, family and drug trials
Used in psychotherapeutic drugs
Drugs associated with symptom reduction, not causation
IND - hard, biological determinism
IND - cannot separate nature and nurture