CAD Etiology
Stable angina: Pt w stable CAD. recurrent episodes of ischemic chest pain, triggered by effort or emotion, with ‘the usual’ quality and duration, completely resolving with rest or sublingual nitrates.
Unstable angina: worsening coronary occlusion without myocardial death. manifests as angina episodes of crescendo severity, increased frequency, occurring with decreasing amts of effort or on rest. New-onset angina is by definition ‘unstable’.
Myocardial infarction: coronary vessel occlusion causing myocardial death. Pain is more severe – ask if it is worse than the pt’s usual angina. It may occur at rest or on exertion, lasts >30min, and is not fully relieved by rest or nitrates. There may be marked diaphoresis, dyspnea, and vomiting.