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COELOMATA (PHYLUM MOLLUSCA (Polyplacophora ("bearing many plates"…
Caudofoveata & Solenogastres
no true gills ; hermaphroditic
Caudofoveates - burrowing marine animals , feeding on microorganisma & ditritus
Solenogasters - live freely on the ocean bottom & feed on cnidarians
worm-like with calcareous (chalky) scales / spicules in their integument; with reduced head; without nephridia
"bearing one plate"
Small with low , rounded shell & creeping foot
single-shelled (monovalve)
Serial repetition of some organs (metamerism)
"tusk shells" / "tooth shell"
sedentary (inactive) , marine
slender body (covered with mantle) & tubular shell (open both)
mantle wrapped around the viscera & fused to form a tube
"stomach feet"
:snail: , limpets, slugs, whelks, conchs, periwinkles, sea slugs, sea hares, sea butterflies & others
from marine molluscs - highly evolves, air-breathing snails & slugs
Shell (when present) almost always of one piece (univalve) - coiled / uncoiled
some :snail: - have operculum (horny plate that cover shell aperture (bukaan) when the body withdraws into the shell
"two shelled"
mussels, clams, scallops, oyster
sedentary (inactive) suspension feeder - depend on ciliary currents produced by the gills to bring in food
:red_cross: head, :red_cross: radula
most marine, many in brackish wate & streams, ponds & lakes
"head feet" ; modified foot that concentrated in the head region
Most complex of all invertebrates: :octopus: , squid, nautiluses, cuttlefishes
all are marine ; all active predators
funnel ; for expelling water from mantle cavity
Anterior margin is drawn out into a circle/crown of arms/tentacles
"bearing many plates" ; flattened with convex dorsal surface
sedentary (inactive)
on rocky surface in intertidal region ; some at great depth
blood pumped by three-chambered heart
:two: kidneys, :two: pairs of longitudinal nerves ; sexes separate
a pair of osphradia (chemosensory organs for sampling water)