Phrenology: started with work of Franz Joseph Gall (1758-1828) – one of first to hypothesize that different functions were controlled by different parts of brain
Addition: he conjectured well-developed functions were supported by parts of brain with larger volume
By measuring skull, possible to predict strengths and weaknesses of person technique called cranioscopy – later changed into term phrenology by Johann Caspar Spurzheim (1776-1832), and applied to prediction of character, personality and propensity to crime
Phrenology was part of wider and earlier belief that individual’s personality could be deduced from physical appearance
Gall distinguished 27 independent mental faculties: e.g. instinct of reproduction, love of offspring, self-defence, courage, cleverness, pride and arrogance, religion, kindness etc.
Spurzheim added eight more
Because of their teachings Gall and Spurzheim had difficulties with Roman Catholic Church in Vienna and in 1807 moved to Paris – parted company in 1812
Spurzheim exported phrenology to Britain and to USA, where it found fertile soil in hands of Fowler brothers