Performance Appraisal

Types of errors

  1. Halo effect
  1. Recency effect
  1. Sterotyping
  1. Comparison
  1. Mirroring
  1. Central Tendency
  1. Leniency (or Strictness)
  1. Bias
  1. Sequencing effect

Ways to overcome

A. Learn and understand the potential problems and solutions (i.e clarifying standards) for each

B. Use the right appraisal tools

C. Proving training to the supervisors

D. Getting a senior management to approve the appraisal before finalising them

Preparation needed before appraisal interview

A. Gather data

B. Prepare subordinates

C. Choose appropriate time and place

How to conduct the appraisal interview

A. Be direct and specific

B. Do not get personal

C. Encourage employee to talk

D. Do not beat about the bush