Religion and society: Islamic beliefs

Environmental and medical issues

Crime and punishment

Peace and conflict


Muslims believe that, as kalifahs, it is their duty to look after the environment

Allah created everything as one; by harming the environment, we are harming ourselves

Earth is a gift from Allah; we should preserve and protect it as a sign of respect

Muslms believe that life is a test from Allah and that stewardship is a part of that test

This would mean that a Muslim would...

Aim to reduce pollution

Support lower economically developed countries

Support environment groups

Infertility treatment

Most Muslims aggree with IVF and AIH

They disagree with other forms of infertility treatment (egg and/or sperm donations)

Egg or sperm donation is equivalent to adultery

Egg or sperm donation is equivaltent to adoption which is banned in the Qur'an

Children have the roght to know their real parents and egg or sperm donation defiles this

Transplant surgery

It is seen as 'playing Allah'

Muslims are bodily resurrected; they will need their organs

This is why they refuse post mortems

The Shari'ah Law bans the removal of any body organs as thewy are needed for the bodily resurrection

Sanctity of Life - Only Allah has the right to take and give people their lives


The Qur'an says that a Muslim should fight back if attacked

Many Hadiths say to fight in a just war

The Qur'an promises paradise for those who fight in a just war

Muhammad (PBOH) fought in just wars


Unjustified violence against others is seen as a sin

Muhammad (PBOH) said that all Muslims should treat other Muslims as brothers which means that they should not bully anyone

Islam teaches that all members of the Ummah should be treated equally

Muslim schools teach Muslims to defend human rights and so they should not bully because it goes against the human rights


Allah is compassionate and merciful; we should be merciful like him

Allah will forgive Muslims for their sins so Muslims should forgive others in a similar fashion

Allah rewards those for their forgiveness

Muhammad (PBOH) said that all Muslims should "be forgiving"


Capital punishment

Drugs & alcohol

Muhammad (PBOH) sent people to be executed. He is the perfect Mulim so all other Muslims should follow him.

Certain actions in the Qur'an are punoshable by death. These inclde murder, adultery and apostasy

It says to use capital punishment in Shariah Law

Liberal Muslims think that capital punishment is a recommendation but not a necessity

Justic is a part of a Muslim's duty as a kalifah

Allah is reffered to as "the most just"

The Qur'an says to "stand out firmly for justice"

Islam was a religion devised during war and thus, the Qur'an

Muhammad (PBOH) said that taking drugs were the same as suicide

Many hadiths oppose the use and association of drugs and alcohol

The Qur'an says that drugs are "Satan's handiwork"