Winchester Jr. Sr Public School
Welcome screen
Community Corner 👤
Students 👤
Teachers 👤
Organizing tools
Social Media ⭐
Digital Citizenship survey and lessons
Twitter winchester :
School Newsletter
Announcements ie. Books N' Breakfast
Google Classroom
Coggle : Creating mind-maps
Government of Canada
Shared Documents
Public Library 5W's
Book Bank library
Social Studies
Individual class websites
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Considerations for my layout below: Initial platform is clean with 4 choices based on who is accessing the site.
- Each broad choice will have a password protected login which will allow for the access to specific and individualized information ( ie. If a student log-in they will automatically have access to the databases that require a password and their google classrooms and classdojo accounts etc.
- The student piece is separated into subject specific categories and an organization section which will lead to tools such as this one, various google tools, various graphix organizers etc.
- In the article "The Virtual Library as a learning Hub" the author says something to the effect that the learner nowadays will take the path of least resistance, so we should be teaching them how to reach the right path right away. What I took from that is I could create a virtual library that leads to sources that are reputable, usable and at grade level.
Shared google calendars