6th Grade Math
Ratios and Rates
Compute with Multi-digit numbers
Fractions, decimal, and percents
Volume and surface area
Fractions and inequalities
Multiplying and divide fractions
Integers and the coordinate plane
Rates: A ratio comparing two quantities with different kinds of units.
Fraction: A number that represents part of a whole part of a set.
USA test prep reveiw.
Using multi-digit numbers as an example would be 13x15
Then you would just find the product or quotient.
Keep, change, flip it.
If the answer is an improper make the fraction proper.
finding the integer is basically putting the number on a number line.
Using the coordinate plane you can find the location of something by useing the coordinates and locating them on the plot
Can contain variables.
A mathmatical sentence showing two expressions are equal
it contains an = sign
Denominator and numerator
An inequality says that two values are not equal
Triangle=b times h divided by 2
Versatile sheet
We watched an ed-puzzel
Formula= 6 times the edge length
Statistical measures
Statistical displays
Central tendecy
Central location
We watched an ed-puzzel
It's a visual way of using charts or graphs
Ratey the Math cat
7x7x7 can also be displayed as 7 squared
Percent: A ratio that compares a number to 100
Ratio:A comparison of two quantities by division.
Volume: The amount of space inside a three-dimensional figure.
Could be referd to as a survey