Renaissance artist: Leonardo da Vinci
Move to Milan
Early Life
not only an artist!!!!
was an apprentice under Andrea del Verocchio
helped him paint The Baptism of Christ
Born in Florence in 1452
worked for patron Duke Ludovico Sforza
Painted The Virgin on the Rocks (1494)
Painted The Last Supper (1498)
drew many sketches of many ideas
machine gun
the human body (anatomy)
drew many sketches of the human body
The Mona Lisa
Last years
use of sfmato
wife of wealthy silk merchant .....Francesco del Giocondo
Painted in Florence in 1499
died in 1519
brought his Mona Lisa with him- today can be seen in the Louvre Museum
considered a man before his time
Moved to France - invitation from King Francis I
would move to Milan