Why Focus on The work is Bad Advice
The title?
what I'm not saying
what I am saying
People are bad
The intent It is wrong
The diff b/w good & Bad Advice
The way msg is interpreted is bad
the meaning made doesnt serve
undermines not underlines
The misinterpretation
Good advice
Bad advice
cant be misconstrued
Treat others as yourself
Can be manipulated, misinterpreted
Take home:
What is said
what is heard
The love of money is the root of all evil
What is said
what is heard
you can't have both
The consequences
money vs work
"If I think about money my work will suffer
Do great work
the $$ rationale
The Truth
Money enables mastery
Insecurity = mediocrity
The Takehome
work hard, nothing to show
unhealthy relationship w. money
struggle = survival, not success
short term thinking
Immediate gratification
zero sum games