"No scrubs : how women had to fight to become doctors"
The Medical Women's Federation
celebrate its century --> the strengthening : the position of women in medicine
// Agnodike = Athenian woman
Margaret Ann Bulkley --> Dr James Barry (surgeon)
History :
Reputation : surgical prowess + abrasive personality
1865 : death --> truth about her sex + have a child (discover by her charwoman)
Reason : to practice medecine
Dressed like a man, male persona, brute behaviour
Accused of seducing women
To refute : skirt-lifting
Famous gynaecologist
Save from execution by her patients
Cut off her hair + posed as a man --> study medecine under Herophilos
1870 : Elizabeth Garret Anderson - 1st English woman to qualify as a doctor
1876 : "Enabling Act" : allowed the licensing of both male and female doctors = legale change
Mid-19th century : demand to entry to medical school
1876 : Medical school + "The British Medical Association = accept women
Formalisation of medicine's: were excluded
1914/18 (1st WW) : women take up posts in hospitals
Middle Ages : worked as midwives, nurses, apothecaries, bone-setters and surgeons
Interwar : career obstacles (discrimination)
1948 : reasonable proportion of female medical students
2017 : outnumbers of female medical students