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Isaac Droguett (Eschatology- The study of the End Times (V. Historic (or…
Isaac Droguett
Eschatology- The study of the End Times
I.Introduction to Eschatology- the study of last things; questions to consider.
When will Jesus return?
What is the final judgment?
What is the Millennium and when will it occur?
The New Heavens and the New Earth
II. What can we learn from eschatology?
The Details provided in the Bible concerning the end do not allow us to date events with precision
It appears that God’s desire is not to give us an exact “roadmap” of the end times, but to give us hope.
We can have hope that God has a good finish in store.
We can have hope that God will reward the faithful
We can have hope that God will judge evil and injustice.
III. Jesus’ Second Coming
The NT is consistent that Jesus is coming again.
Angels declared that he will return [Acts 1:11].
Paul and the others NT authors clearly state it [1 Thess 4:16; Heb 9:28; 1 John 3:2].
Jesus promised to come again [John 14:3;Rev 22:20].
Jesus’ return will be bodily (i.e., not spiritual) and personal.
We do not know when Jesus will return.
We have not began given the day or hour [Matt 24:36;25:13]
He will come at a time we do not expect [Matt 24:4]
There are several different timelines attempting to put Jesus’ return other events the NT Discusses:
For example, does Jesus return and then unbelievers are judged immediately? When does the Millennium take place? Will Jesus return before or after the great Tribulation?
Theses timelines are discussed in the next section “the Millennium.”
Christ’s return is imminent (i.e., it could happen at any moment).
There are many passages which points to this sense of imminence:
1 Thessalonians 5:2- the Day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night
Revelation 22:7- Jesus says “behold, i am coming soon.
Mark 13:32-33: the angels, nor the Son knows hour.
However, there also seems to be events and signs which must take place first [Matt 24:3-31].
Wars and rumors of war.
Cosmic signs (i.e., the sun will be darkened).
Famine and earthquakes.
IV. What is the Millennium?
The word “millennium” means “1,000 years.”
Four views on the Millennium:
Historic Premillennialism
Dispensational Premillennialism
The one significant passage which discusses this topic is Revelation 20:1-10.
V. Historic (or Classic) Premillennialism.
Chart on board.
The “pre-” prefix means “before”; thus, Jesus returns before the Millennium.
This belief understands the Church age to continue until it ends with a great tribulation.
After the great tribulation, Jesus returns and believers are resurrected.
After the resurrection, Jesus begins ruling in the Millennium for 1,000 years.
After the Millennium, unbelievers are raised and judged, then comes the eternal state.
VI. Dispensational Premillennialism.
The Church does not suffer the great tribulation.
Dispensational Premillennialism is identical to Historic Premillennialism with one exception.
This is called the rapture of the church.
The rapture is viewed as secret and unexpected.
. Before Jesus’ second coming and before the tribulation, Jesus takes up believers into heaven.
VII. Post millennialism
(Draw Chart)
The Millennium is not believed to be a literal 1,000 years reign of Jesus: instead, it is the Church ageThe post prefix means after; this, Jesus will come after the Millennium.
t is believed that as the Gospel spreads throughout the world, the church will increase and the world will gradually become more Christian.
IAs more and more people become CHristian, then the culture of the world will reflect God’s kingdom and bring in an age of peace and righteousness
After this occurs, then Jesus returns, the resurrection of believers and unbelievers happens, and then the eternal state takes place.
This view is optimistic about the effects of the Gospel on the world
VIII. Amillennialism.
After this resurrection, the eternal state begins.
This view is characterized by the understanding that there is no literal reign of Jesus Christ.
Amillennialism believes that Revelation 20:1-10 describes the present day where Satan’s influence is diminished and the Gospel is spreading over the world.
(draw chart!).
The phrase “1,000 reigns of Christ” is understood to be a symbol/ figure of speech and not an exact number.
The Church age ends when Christ returns and there is the resurrection of believers and unbelievers
I. definition-the study of angels, spiritual beings, and satan
Who are demons and satan?
How does a believer respond in spiritual warfare?
What are angels and what is their role in God’s plan?
II. what are angels and what is their role in God’s plan?
Definition of “angels. “Angels are created, spiritual being with moral judgment and high intelligence, but without physical bodies [Grudem, 397].
Angels are created beings
Angels can make moral judgment; some choose poorly, i.e., fallen angels [2 Pet 2:4]
Angels can take on physical form, but do not seem to normally have physical bodies.
Kinds of angels (or spiritual beings):
Cherubim- for example, they guard the Garden of Eden (Gen 3:24); they travel with God (Ezek 10:1-22)
seraphim - surround the throne of God and worship (Isa 6:2-70.
“Living creatures”- found around God’s throne (Rev 4:6-8)
Only two angels are named in Scriptures: Michael ( Jude 9; Dan 10:13, 21) and Gabriel (Daniel 8:16; Luke 1:19).
What part do angels play in God’s plan?
They minister to believer (Heb 1:5)
They deliver God's’ messages. (e.g., the birth announcement to Mary)
They fight spiritual forces. (Dan 10:13)
They carry out God’s judgment, (2 Sam 24:16-17)
III. Who are demons and Satan?
Demons are angels who have rebelled against God and continually work evil in How did these angels fall?
It is important to remember that originally God made everything good; thus, angels rebelled against God at some point between the creation eding in Genesis 1:31 and Adam’s fall in Genesis 3:1
Only two passages speak of this event:
2 Peter 2:4- Peter speaks briefly of the angels who fell; God judged them by sending them to Hell
Jude 6- Angels did not keep their position of authority were bound for judgment.
The role of Satan and demons:
Satan is the originator of sin- we do not know any of the details of this event.
Satan opposes God and attempts to destroy his plans.
Demons and Satan have limited power and authority
For example, job 1:6-12-God sets the limits of what Satan can do
For example, Jesus regularly demonstrated power and authority over demons and Satan luke 4-1-13; mk 5:1-21
For example, demons cannot tell the future, nor read people’s minds; they are limited creatures
Satan’s end is definite [rev 20:1-3, 7-10]
He will be chained for 1,000 years.
When he is released, he will deceive the nation once more by raising an army
God will destroy the army and cast Satan into the lake of burning sulfur for eternal format
Possibly relevant passages (but most likely irrelevant)
Isaiah 14:12-15 (discussing the King of Babylon, some have thought it refers to satan)
Genesis 6:2-4- some have thought the phrase “sons of God” was used of angels here who had incourse with human and created the Nephilims
IV. What does the Bible say about the believer’s spiritual warfare?
The key passage for this topic is Ephesians 6:11-20.
Believers are given two commands when it comes to fight the Devil.
Stand firm in your position in Christ
Put on the whole armor of God
Command 1: stand firm!
It is important to ask “where are we to stand?”
Paul has discussed throughout the letter to the Ephesians that believers are sealed in Christ and have their identity in him.
Thus, the believers is not to fight the devil, but to recognized his/her identity in the one who has already defeated the devil
Command 2: Put on the whole armor of God!
The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Righteousness
Feet Shod with the Gospel of peace
The shield of Faith
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit
Practical considerations:
As believers, our posture is to stand firm in the grace which has been given us “in Christ”: in other words, walk by faith your identity in Christ
We are given “equipment” for defense; however, our offensive weapon is praying in the Spirit and relying on the truth of God’s word.
Recognized that there is spiritual (non-physical), world which we do not regularly see, that is active.