We know, because we talk to both buy and sell side, that there are a few very big brands that seem to dominate the market. Even when a smaller organisation has a better offering, some buyers still go with what they perceive to be the 'safe' option. Is that a familiar story?
We also know though, that there are buyers in the market who don't want to do business with big brands - they don't like the lack of flexibility, the high price points, the lack of service and they especially resent the arrogance that seems to go along with them! I’m sure you are aware these type of prospects exist?
PROBLEM :red_flag:
How easy is it for you to identify these genuine opportunities as opposed to those who are simply using you as a stalking horse to challenge the price of the big brands and to make up the numbers on the tender list?
PAYOFF :check:
What if we could help you identify and potentially engage with them - would that help?