Catholic Church and the Counter Reformation
Council of Trent
Baroque and the Counter Reformation
Jesuits and Ignatius Loyola
Lectures and Objectives
Response is neccasy
Affirms of Catholic Doctrine
Refformation of Church
Sources of Authority : Scripture, Tradition, and magetsterium
Anathema is where who cannot get to heaven by your own works
If any one shall say, that baptism is..not necessary unto salvation; let him be anathema
You can have indulges but you cant sell them
Ignatious Loyola was the founder
Ignatious was a knight then he became a priest
Ignatious believes that there is a battle between heaven and hell
St. Teresa of Aila she was aa reformer, theoligian. and a mystic
Simplcity: get back to the roots of the Catholic Faith
Baroque wanted to show the protestants have nothing like them
Atitudes are bad
Very Smart
olayed an important part in the outcome Counter Reformation
- Protestant.
- Council of Trent (1545-1563) .
- Ignatius Loyola .
- baroque.