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Mesoamerica (Mayas (mayan people (most young men shaved the haire above…
Mayan Acievements
Art,Architecture,and literature
Between 250 and 900 the mayas made advances in art
The mayas wort hundreds literature.
They made thousands of sculpters and constructed huge places and pyramid-shaped tempals
the mayas built irrgration system for thier filds
They studied the stares ,composed music and songs,and played games
math and Astronomy
Mayas were one of the early civilization that developed the idea of zero
With there zero, the mayas were abel to do difficult calculations and keep detaild records
the mayas also made mad ecalenders similer to th ecalinder from the Olmecs
Social classes
Classes of mayan society had several levels
At the top was ruler , the absolute king
they worshid gods like egyptians
just below the kings were priests
Mayan dress
Most Mayas wore simpal cottan cloth
The man wore tunics and lioncloth with a short cap
wealthy people wore the same things, as the common people, only with more embellishment, such as fethers woven into the fabric
they wore shous made of deer skin
Mayan homes
kings lived in palaces that coverd many acers
Nobals lived in large houses near the center of the city
they had the houses made out of stucco
Daily life
While the kings, priests, nobility practiced their ceremonies, wagged wars on neighbors, and planned huge bilding project, the average maya led a far uieter and simler life
Befor Four 0'clock the mayan woman were awake to make breakfast.
they grew many crops
There crops were beans , squash, avocados,and maize
mayan woman worked all day grinding grain in stone bowls or making cotton thread for use looms
they also wove cloth and made clothing,kept house, and tend the childrend
The big meal of the day, which usally ,beans, fruit, tamales, and occasionally, meat cam in the late afternoon
Mayan religon
gods sacrifised human blood :star:
Everything the mayas did, whther cooking beans or attending ceromonies for a soler, eclips, had to be done according to a ritual.
The whol mayan society, even thire popluler ball game, was dominated by religon
mayas belived that almost everything had its own god-the sea, the moon, the sun, bees, medicine, corn, life, deth, days of the calinder, and so on
Decline of Mayan civilization
The mayas seem to fled thire major cities after that time
Archaeolgists havae found a sele in the city of Tikal datedt 869
this appears to have been the last recorded of the mayas seem in the locatin
some archaeologists belive that the people moved awat becuse of faman
mayan people
most young men shaved the haire above fourheads and brows
both men and woman whould often fil ther teth with points and inlay them with jade
When older, the mayas changes to their appearances.
Most the men carried mirrors to cheke thire appearance from time to time
Historians evidence indicates thet Mayas also perferred crosseyes, perhaps becuse their gods were cross eyed
They liked perfume, wich they made from flowers and herbs
Paremts bound newborns heads between boards until the softbones grew into a slanted, almost cone shape
Many pierced there ears into lobs and kept adding and adding intill they became inces long
the mayas appeared to have preferred long noses and sloping forheads
athey also tattooed sybaols on thier arms, legs, and faces
the religon of the Aztecs every aspect of there lives
son god
had a apitit for human blood :star:
Socal classes
ruler and preasts
the aztecs culter was bult hard work
Language and techology
The develoment of a written language played an importent role
Spanish invasion
in 1519
in less then a year, Hernanido Cortes and the spanish conquistadors entererd Tenochtilan
montezuma wasthe emperor of the aztecs when the spanish coquistadors began landing on the shore s of mesoamerica
The Fate of the Mesoamarica
lost at survivle
lost culter : : :star:
lost religon : :star:
enemy was told of gods :star:
Olmec cilvilzation
is considered on of the earliest great cilvilzation in Mesoamarica
its culture developed around 1500BC
Historians believe Olmects around the southern Gulf Coast of Mexico
The Olmec cilvilation declined by about 400BC
The major center of Olmec cilvilation included the cities of Tenochitlan
Historians call this urban center San Lorenzo Tenochtitlan
San lorenzo Tenochtitlan had water and drainage system
House wre constructed of wood, clay, amd plam leaves.
a vocalo rock caled basalt
Another city,La Venta, was one of the largest and most famous Olmecs cities
Olmecs floted the stone heads down the river on rafts.
La Venta was located in Mexico on the northeastern coast of Mesoamerica
fanos for the stone heads : : : :star: