What are the advantages and disadvantages of large N studies in
comparative research?

Large N



Role for Small N

Case Example

Variable based approach.

Quantitative, aggregate and secondary data.



Statistical Control

Lacks Depth - can't gain and understanding of thick (complex and multidimensional) theories.

Issues arise with data availability - often poor quality of quantitative data.

Loose theoretical integration - merely makes disembodied propositions which hold no theory between them, means we are unable to make predictions.

Thin - assumes little about the world, merely identifies an association between two narrowly conceived phenomena.

Leads to empirical generalisations but not necessarily theory - but they can still act as contributions to our theoretical understanding.

Not the issue of 'too many variables, too few cases'.

Need not always be quantitative.

Reason why explanations for democratisation has not been fully realised.

Empirically grounded.

Democracy - argument made that democracy is associated with economic development, but rough association, can't predict small differences.

Sub-national data collection is a new enterprise, little data.

Research dictated by the data available.

Scarcity of relevant data.

A bridge between the two?

Large N focus on most obvious and large variations, outliers analysed by small N.

Large N to sketch the big picture, small N to fill in the details.

High external validity due to generalisations.

Generality over complexity (Ragin)

World Values Survey

Nationally representative surveys.

100 countries - 90% of the population.

Studies changing values and their impact on social and political life.

Allows for an understanding of how culture varies, the influence of cleavage lines, emancipatory values could give insight into movements away from democracy etc.


Difficulties with lack of available data.

Many associated arguments made are rough and dont allow for predictions.

Freedom House - arguments over cultural bias, however, generally few criticisms, based on civil and political rights.

E.g. Relationship between economic development and democracy.

Avoids selection bias.

More likely for conceptual stretching to occur - ladder of generality needs, or radial categories.

Seeks to homogenise a heterogeneous world.

Called Mixed Method Research

Currently being enhanced by technological and computational developments.

Large number of cases.


Large N can be done looking at aggregate data.

Public Spending

Labour market program spending.

Also useful to have qualitative data.

Public spending doesn't tell you about the characteristics of policies, where the spending goes.




  1. Introduction
  1. Advantages
  1. Advantages Cases - WVS
  1. Disadvantages
  1. Disadvantages Cases - Democracy, Europeanisation
  1. A Bridge
  1. Conclusion

Bridge between the two require for full understanding of the world.