Knowledge and Understanding

climate determines the type of biome in a given area although individual ecosystems may vary due to many local abiotic and biotic factors

Succession leads to climax communities that may vary due to random events and interactions overtime

Ecosystem stability, succession and biodiversity are intrisically linked

Biomes - collection of ecosystems sharing similar climactic conditions


Fresh water - swamp forests, lakes and ponds, streams and rivers, bogs

Marine - rocky shore, mud flats, coral reef, mangrove swamp, continental shelf, deep ocean

Deserts - hot and cold

Forests - tropical, temperate, boreal

Grassland - tropical or savanna, and temperate

Tundra - arctic and alpine

each biome has characteristic limiting factors, productivity and biodiversity, insolation, precipitation, and temperature

Bioosphere - part of earth inhabited by organisms

Why biomes are what they are:


terrain/geography - slope, aspect, altitude

ocean currents and wind

temperature, precipitation

Climate change and biome shift


temperature increase

greater warming at higher latitudes

more warming in winter

some areas becoming drier and others wetter

stronger storms


towards the poles where it is cooler

higher up mountains where it is cooler

towards the equator where it is wetter

Tricellular model of atmospheric circulation

Succession - how an ecosystem changes over time

Zonation - how an ecosystem changes along an environmental gradient e.g. altitude

the change in community along an environmental gradient due to factors such as changes in altitude, latitude, tidal level or distance from shore / coverage by water

Human activity can alter zonation e.g. road building or deforestation

change in species composition in an ecosystem overtime

primary succession - bare inorganic surface, colonisation of newly created land by organisms soil formation starts the process

secondary succession: occurs where soil already formed but vegetation has been removed e.g. after a fire or flood

Early succession - GPP and respiration are low, NPP is high as biomass accumulates

Later stages - GPP may remain high, respiration increases so NPP may near zero and productivity:respiration ratio approaches 1

End of succession - climax community is reached when species composition stops changing - there may be several states of climax community depending on abiotic factors

The more complex the ecosystem, the more stable it tends to be

In agricultural systems, humans often deliberately stop succession when NPP is high and crops are harvested - humans also disrupt succession by deforestation, grazing with animals or controlled burning

Species diversity in successions : in early stages, only few species within the community, then it increases quickly until most niches are filled

Disturbance: communities are affected by periods of disturbance e.g. from a hurricane, earthquake etc. - these make gaps available that can be colonised by pioneer species - adds to the productivity and diversity of the community

Subclimax community - succession stopped at a certain stage by an abiotic factor e.g. soil conditions or biotic factors e.g. grazing - community will only continue to develop after the limiting factor is removed

Plagioclimax community - a climax community may be affected by either a natural event, e.g. fire or landslide or human activity such as agriculture or habitat destruction - farmers want to maintain their crops at a plagioclimax - higher productivity

K- and r-strategists' reproductive strategies

K and R are two variables that determine the shape of the population growth curve - they are the extremes to the continuum of reproductive strategies and many species show a mixture of these characteristics

K strategists - e.g. humans and other large mammals

small number of offspring

invest large amounts of time and energy in parental care

most offspring survive

good competitors

population sizes are usually close to the carrying capacity

In stable climax ecosystems, K strategists out compete R

R strategists e.g. invertebrates and fish

uses lots of energy in production of large amounts of eggs

no energy used in raising them after hatching

lay their eggs and leave them forever

reproduce quickly

able to colonise new habitats rapidly

because of their fast reproductive and growth rates they may exceed the carrying capacity with a population crash as a result - they predominate in unstable ecosystems

Survivorship curve - shows the fate of a group of individuals