Parliament and the Executive

non-departmental committees

house of commons

public accounts committee

standards and privileges committee

modernisation committee

liaison committee

European scrutiny committee

political and constitutional affairs committee

gov and expenditure

conduct of MPs and disciplinary cases

est 2005 looks at options for reform

chairs of all select committees

questions PM twice a year

eu documents

est 2010 looks at work of deputy PM on reform

other committees

house of lords

smaller number of committees

in depth inquires on topical issues

e.g affordable childcare committee

joint select committee

consist of MPs and peers

some are permanent

some are temporary

joint committee of human rights

joint committee on modern slavery

Are select committees a good thing



less partisan

well informed members develop specialism

members report back to the chamber to inform other MPs

public more transparent

encourage responsible gov taking justifiable actions

can persuade gov to change their course of action

whips used to assign MPs to committees

not well resourced

to much paperwork often shelved

need more power- ministers avoid questions

composition reflects party balance In the commons

Norton report 2002 called for select committees to have more powers

select committees vs standing committees

select committees

standing committees



examine details of bills in legislative process

larger (16-50 members)

slightly less powerful not investigative can take evidence from experts since 2006


specialised in department area

monitor and scrutinise work of gov

small (11-16 members)

slightly more