Learning Goals
• Recognize relationships between technology and science
• Recognize contributions to science are made by a diverse group of scientists whose differences often influence the questions and/or the methods used in research and may affect science knowledge and/or technology.
• Analyze roles of science and society as they interact to determine the direction of scientific and technological progress
• Analyze/evaluate drawbacks, benefits, and factors affecting progress toward meeting challenges
• Identify/describe major scientific and technological challenges to society and their effect on public policy
• Identify/describe how explanations of scientific phenomena have changed over time because of new evidence
• Identify/analyze current theories under question, compare them to new, challenging theories
• Identify/evaluate the need for informed consent in experimentation.
• Identify ethical issues involved in experimentation and the role of models as an ethical alternative
• Evaluate a source for its credibility, explaining why accurate record-keeping, openness, and replication are essential
• Provide a concluding statement or section that follows from and supports the information or explanation presented
Learning Activities: classroom discussions, research projects on different scientists or particular theories (individual or group projects on Prezi), conduct experiments (Create a Prezi that goes through the experiment process)
Teacher Roles: provide information via Prezi presentation, guide class discussion that centers around that Prezi
Learning Assessment: written tests for knowledge of long-standing theories and the histories of scientists, mapping the relationships between technology, science, and society on a Prezi, grading the Prezi research projects or experiment reports