Kevin Vuong and Ryan Hosseini - Per 1 (Periodic Table)

Periodic Trends


Increases by going right and up on the periodic table (fluorine is the most electronegative)

Ionization energy

Depends on valence electron configuration

Electron affinity

Electron configuration

Valence electrons


effective nuclear charge # # #

Atomic/ionic radius

electron shielding


Elements in same group share similar physical and chemical properties

Elements in same period have same highest principal energy level

Periodic Table Content

molar mass

atomic number

period/group # #

energy change in an atom when electron is accepted

smaller across period, bigger down group

smaller down group, depends on electron configuration for period


Hund's Rule

Pauli Exclusion Principle

s, p, d, f orbitals

Element Groups

Group 1: Alkali metals

Group 2: Alkaline Earth metals

Groups 3-12: Transition metals

Group 18: Halogens

metals on left (Groups 1 -12, semi metals in middle (Groups 13-15), nonmetals on right (Groups 16-18)